Oil tank sub as spare gas tank?


Active Member
Mar 20, 2011
Akron, Ohio
Hey i was just thinking after i took off my oil tank becuz i out a blockoff plate on that i wonder if i could use it as a reserve gas tank. Maybe not have it connect into the regular one but a way to just keep fuel in it in case of emergency...Has anyone ever tried this if so how did it work and which way did you do it
there is a guy on here that has one. im sure he will chime in. but i would like to do this but i already threw away my oil tank.
I mite have to find me one off ebay when we get a DIY.Ok just mout the oil tank were it was and the get a long enough peice fuel line so you can connect it to the carb.Next fine you a fuel petcock and cut the wire in to with a couple inches from the oil tank.Then conect the lines to it with the petcock in the off position lol.And just tuck the spare line up under the seat were it cant fall on the ground.I also would recomend a fuel filter in the line somewere.And when you main tank runs out just disconnect thats line and hook up the sub tank line.
I sold my oil tank and pump a couple weeks ago, but I wouldn't mind mounting a new tank there. It wouldn't be that hard. Just run a splitter with an alternate valve from your local plumbing dept from the back to the main fuel line. I'm guessing the oil injection tank is something along the lines of 0.5 gallons.
I mite have to find me one off ebay when we get a DIY.Ok just mout the oil tank were it was and the get a long enough peice fuel line so you can connect it to the carb.Next fine you a fuel petcock and cut the wire in to with a couple inches from the oil tank.Then conect the lines to it with the petcock in the off position lol.And just tuck the spare line up under the seat were it cant fall on the ground.I also would recomend a fuel filter in the line somewere.And when you main tank runs out just disconnect thats line and hook up the sub tank line.

Yeah this is what i was thinking, but i was thinking about a splittler so you dnt have to switch the hose of the carb... i will work on it today and put up pics and see how it works. Only other thing i see being an issue is the oil tank is just slightly above the carb, would that be a problem???
does the oil tank sit higher than the carb though? i can't remember cause i don't one anymore. if it doesn't then gravity will prevent the gas from flowing to the carb wouldn't it?
The weight of the fuel in the tank will help feed the fuel to the carb as well . If you just used a Y or T connector to splice in the spare line it will just simply draw fuel from both tanks , I would use a inline valve to prevent air pockets coming from the smaller reserve tank after it goes dry , if it even does . I even like the idea of it being a spare fuel bottle , you could seal the connections and just use it as a jerry can , and mount it with some quick disconnect fasteners .
I have enough hose on mine that I tuck up underneath the seat with a shutoff valve on, If I ever run out of gas I can pull the line off the carb and quickly slide the line from the spare tank on and run for alittle longer. works great
I DID THIS :D but i didnt run no lines, I put a vacuum cap on the end of the bottle and use wing nuts for when i need to remove the bottle and pour it in my gas tank. i didnt feel like adding the Y connector and another line but maybe one day i will when i dont anything better to do. but its not like im in the woods for the whole day where i'll need extra gas. never ran out on me yet and never got to use the reserve
i could take some but all mine is is the lines removed and used thumb nuts, or wing nuts to hold up the bottle. whenever i need the gas i'd just unbolt and pour i tin. i didnt do all the lines IMO it isnt necessary because odds are u will never even get to use it. i havent yet
i think i deffo need to do this as i ran out of fuel on my way home last week, luckily it was only at the end of my street so i didnt have to push it too far
old thread, but found it and wanted to give it a shot. So this is my setup.
Put a T split in the line, on/off valve, so far, works great.

