I recently rebuilt my 98 blaster. New clynder ,piston, ,rings ,reeds ,toomey exhuast tires, brakes, bearings blah blah Running mint had about 1 and a half hours on it and I heard a pop. Lost most of my power and now hear clunk and clanking from motor. I pulled the head and took out what looked like a piece of the ring. The walls look good though and it still has compression.
I hope it's the top end again. I used a cheap chineese kit with the piston and rings and cilyder for 54$. I should have known better . I still have my oem cylinder I'm going to have that bored and use a wiseco piston and rings Such a disappointment While it's off I am going to port and polish it too . A word to the wise. It's not worth trying to cheap out when it comes to the important stuff.like pistons