newbie problem


New Member
Jan 4, 2013
Just got new to me 92 blaster previous owner ran pre mix still has oil pump no block off, It runs but acts like throttle sticks do not think slide in carb is sticking what would cause this one person said cdi box another said bad reeds any help from people who may know would be appreciated thanks
Ok, what exactly is the engine doing? Is it revving out of control with no throttle input from you? The throttle cable hasn't been pinched and/or is binding, is it?

First off, the CDI box isn't the problem. It runs, so it has spark. Rule that out. The reeds probably aren't to blame, either. If the throttle cable is OK and the slide moves freely in the carb, rule that out for the moment as well.

It sounds to me like you have an air leak somewhere in the engine, causing it to run lean. It's time to do a leakdown test and see what's going on. Also, be sure the rubber washer is present and intact under the carburetor cap.

Also, what, if any, mods does your blaster have? Stock or aftermarket pipe? Airbox lid on or off? Etc...
Reving out of control have not tore into carb yet awful cold here in ohio Kill switch also not working It has fmf sysetm on it have not yet removed seat and looked at air cleaner. Never thought about ring inside carb,thanks get back on here next couple days supposed tgo be nice 40s ha ha
Kill switch could not be working due to "dieseling" effect. I had a similar problem revving out of control, pulled the clutch in motor screamed. Kill switch wouldn't stop it, so I had to put it in a high gear and dump the clutch to kill it. My throttle cable was sticking, and I found a bad air leak from the clutch side oil seal.
The cracked record revolves yet again, leak test.

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