New style build

Decided since I found a super deal on these rappy250 pegs, 10 bucks, I figured I'd be different than just double pegs! I also wanted to keep the holes for mounting the heel guards the same as the stockers, well turns out the holes line up perfectly, should of figured this since alot of guys have put 450/rappy heel gaurds on.
Easy to do and the rappy ones are almost twice as wide as the little 1" stockers!

First cut off the rappy pegs at the mount-

Then remove the front piece that is higher than the pegs ( i call it a foot keeper)-

Then the back top piece that was welded on the rappy mount or the peg wont slide over the stocker.

Now ya have to grind the welds down on the middle of the stock pegs som the holes line up!

Line the holes up- center the stock peg buy using washers and bsnug it up for welding!

Weld it up and bam ya have some double wide peg mounts that use the stock heel guard bolt location! Pics of weld to follow after dinner!!

Welded up and worked out awesome!

Side shot-
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Looking good brotha. Gussets are a must if you are already torn down. Nice job. The welds look alot better than those steelers!!!!!!!!! hahahaha
An update!!! Finally- Working on this CFM box I got from JonS. I never did like how CFM made there tubing to the carb, yes it worked (most of the time) without tweaking, but there were some sharp corners and alot of bends that could affect flow, how much??? I really don't know, but I had a chance to modify this one to make smooth the bends. I looked at how the F7 boxes are much smoother flow and they use 3" tubing, (cfm is 2.5"). I'M sticking with 2.5" tubing as it will be less modification and welding (as my aluminum welding isn't exactly pretty! Here is what I'm starting with! B)

I grounded down the weld around the original hole so I could weld a piece of plate over the front and start new! ;)

Next I welded the new front piece on over the old piece! First pass is ugly and over kill so hard to use this spoolmate! :o



Now to cut the new 2.5" hole-So I needed to move the hole to the left more an it also has to be moved down 1/2 inch.

I have to wait for my tubing to get here from silicone It a 1' piece of 45 mandrel bent tubing $10! Then I plan to use whatever length silicone tubing to the carb, If my measurements are good should be 3.425" Or 4" piece will work perfect ! I will post the finished product when its done.
It will look similar to this when it's done but all 2.5" (just not as shiney!!)! Thanks 86 notch for the pics!


lookn great aluminum realy that much harder? I've never had the chance to weld aluminum yet

I can't really say, I do know that using a spoolmate isn't easy (at least for me) But I haven't even ran a 2lb spool through it yet!!

I've tigged aluminum in school, was alot easier and looked better to!
I was pondering mounting. I didn't want to drill holes in the sides , like my sons was as it is a pain to remove, and with a larger carb so much easier to remove the box then the carb. So this is what I came up with- Perfect easy simple no Holes!-



I also cut off that annoying tab that was for the oil tank!
Little more treats and bling for the blasty came today! Block off compliments of blastard! complete with the extra 5hp decals!