New member with pic, looking to start a build


New Member
Jan 5, 2012
N Va
Picked up a 05 blaster a few months ago in pretty rough shape. stole a few things for my ATC but now that its done Im ready to put the blaster back together. Previous owner says it has a big bore kit in it but cant prove that yet. So far I have it stripped down to the frame

Hoping to send it out to powder coat this coming week. It will be a long build as i save up and find time to work on it with work and other projects I have. This is actually my first 4 wheeler previously builds have only been 2 or 3 wheels.

Thanks in advance for all the help ill probably get!
pics of the cylinder may help us identify bbk or not ?
Thanks guys, ill have to snap some shots of the motor. Haven't touched it since the day i test road it upon buying it and when i yanked it out.
No better way to start than with a bare frame! Im doing the same with an 05!
Welcome to the forum! Nice two an three wheeler!
No rear fender?
haha yeaaa its not 100% yet. snapped the header flange on one of the pipes right before i moved and just said f*ck it until i get back to it one day