Sold my arms, wheels, tyres, front shocks still got lots of stuff, tell me what u need an i'll what i can do?
you have front tires? i need them badly!! and if you can give me a list buddy il see what else i would buy

Sold my arms, wheels, tyres, front shocks still got lots of stuff, tell me what u need an i'll what i can do?
you have front tires? i need them badly!! and if you can give me a list buddy il see what else i would buynot really needing much as il be putting wider a arms on after xmas its just to use it the now. but i am needing tires and would possibly buy the wheels depending what you want for them
Man did you see my last post???? Wheels an tyres gone
ah lol erm what you got ? lol better saying what you have as il probs say everything you dont lol
Plastics, rear shock, tors, full fmf imaculate condition, brake lever, clutch lever, front bumper, rear grab bar, under frame sprocket guard, standard rear axle, air box, standard pilot jets and rear wheel spacers(but in KTM orange)
If a think of any more i'll let you know
what color of plastics and what year are they off? stock rear shock?, would be interested in your fmf , also would be interested in clutch lever and what kind of bumper bud?
Everything stock, blue plastics year 04, got them all headlight also, fmf is imaculate i just polished it! If you want the front bumper powdercoated let me know what Colour as i have a friend that does all mine ;-)
what would you be looking for the plastics (maybe depends if they will fit my 2002 lol) also what you after for fmf if im buying separate? i have a front bumper of my own bud was looking for aftermarket one lol thanks though! but il be interested in fmf for defo . also plastics if they fit just put a post up for to seewould you deliver them mate for fuel costs? just i don't drive or even courier the exhaust if plastics are no good
Ye am coming through to methal fife on saturday to pick my mate up so if that suited? I'll private mail you my mob number an i'll send you through pics!
Ye am coming through to methal fife on saturday to pick my mate up so if that suited? I'll private mail you my mob number an i'll send you through pics!
i hope i have cash man by then as im in methil! hahabut il need to see mate what your after for them and see if i can afford them lol
cool lets hope not cant wait for pics I:I
Nice one mate am at a stop am still waiting on a dealer to get back to me over my ball joints i hope there in stock soon as i am sick of looking at it jacked up in the air lol
one nice swingarm mate!that the ones of ebay? there about £200 plus shipping? does the stock axle carrier fit this swingarm?