National Triple Meet


Nov 24, 2009
Tacoma , Wa
Sounds like the idea of having 1 big blaster party isn't going so well , someone suggested a Triple Header , I'm thinkin about the younger ones who may not be able to take a roady across the U.S. Me I can take 2 weeks off and go just about anywhere , but thats not the case for everyone . Or maybe just a double header , one east coast one west coast . What we oughtta do is take a pole and find out where everyone lives , don't need to be too specific , state and county would be fine . Then take that info and better tailor it to a spot/s to meet . Also the guys like me who do have the better ability to travel farther can help out the less mobile members . Anythings possible , just gotta solve each little problem one at a time . I:I

Washington State : Pierce County - Tacoma
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majority of the peeps on here are from the east coast......only a few ppl around me im in south dakota and i know one other guy on here from sd...and a few from IA
hey stroker if it ever did happen an u need a ride an hauler i got my truck an a trail that will pry fit 3 racers on an one in the bed of my truck. all depends what happens tho. i guess lol
stroker ya that poll is actually still up. its stickied at the top of the off topic section.
we never officially decided on the meeting place we havent even discussed a date for it
that sounds good, i like the idea of a triple meet, maybe, glamis, badlands and somewhere the way of new york, forget whick direction that is............., huh. anyway that is a terrific idea, because i doubt anyone would haul cross country tlike that, and me being 13, my dad would never bring me to hatfield mcoy or anything that far away but i'm gung ho for the badlands!!!!