there shouldnt be oil in the bottom end. no gear box.....
ohhhhhhhhh, thank you soooo mcuh, haha, i thought there would be for the crank or sumthin, haha, here's some green guys, u and blasterdude
there shouldnt be oil in the bottom end. no gear box.....
Yeah no gear box lol!
yep, will do, all done working for this weekend, have my b day party tomoro so prolly no work to be done tomoro, it'll come alone, haha, i was thinkin about frame ideas, maybe some crash bars, the frame where it connects it gonna be extended for more room, a roll bar is gonna be added, and the frame will be reinforced, maybe some suspension added one day, idk!
happy bday. and im liking that trike it looks dangerous lol
I'd rework the trike and make it into a mini T-Rex , and make a sweet RWD Trike
nice builds there blasterboy, im not spamming or anything but over on diygokarts this would go down a threat, lots of knowledge and help concerning homemade karts. They have a varied knowledge on most engines and suitable gear ratios ect. Im just trying to help you out, please dont take it as "recruiting members"
DIY Go Kart Forum
Hell you can ignore me if you want
I think we need some more pics I:I