my 90 blaster build up

alright i'll go by the hardware store if there open tomorrow. thats the only thing holding me from getting the motor back in this beast lol. its actually in but that bolt is stripped out somehow and i would like to change it out with a new one so i can feel better about it
thanks man. i'm slowly realizing all the stuff i need to get this thing back to where i can ride it and its getting somewhat overwhelming lol. it'll get there just maybe not as soon as i would like.


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pics of todays progress. should there really be this many threads showing on the lock nut for my g force axle?


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thanks to stephen12091985 i should be getting an f7 exhaust in the next couple days for it, along with a arms, works front shocks, grab bar, nerfs and v force reeds that i am getting from blaster240r. thanks guys. i'll get pictures as soon as i get them
dang man you're hookin that thing up! it can be pretty overwhelming for sure, but you'll get it there before you know it
just a few pics of the progress so far. still waiting on ups to drop off my f7. it should be here today though. with it being wider and the wheelbase longer the quad looks like a new quad that is alot bigger than before


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thanks man. i think awk is gonna make me a set of brackets so i can just bolt my gsxr setup on. i also installed the v force reeds and the nerf bars are on it too. its coming together. hopefully i can fire it up this weekend. i still gotta re jet the carb and put the exhaust on it. then all i'll need is a chain and front bumper i think...
lol its getting there. i just need a chain, jets for the carb, and an air filter before i can take it around the yard. then i'm gonna replace the handlebars and clean up the look of the stock levers and everything and hopefully get aluminum wheels on it here soon. btw thanks alot man for the deal on parts. it really helped me out and i'm sure it helped you out too
Awesome build up man! Keep it up I:I

Feel free to throw up some pics of that drz too!

i was actually thinking about making a thread of it on here but i didnt know what everyone would think lol. maybe tomorrow i'll post up some pics. its a 2005 but its so clean that everyone who looks at it thinks its almost brand new. its only got 3300 miles on it
lol its getting there. i just need a chain, jets for the carb, and an air filter before i can take it around the yard. then i'm gonna replace the handlebars and clean up the look of the stock levers and everything and hopefully get aluminum wheels on it here soon. btw thanks alot man for the deal on parts. it really helped me out and i'm sure it helped you out too

deff. thanks again i'm glad your happy. i bet your really itchin to get it out...
yeah dude i waited til the worst time to tear it apart lol it seems like riding season is almost over and i'm just getting it to the point where its starting to look promising
it runs!! lol. i got it fired up tonight and rode it around the yard a little bit. it seems like it has alot more power but at the same time it feels like maybe the front brakes are dragging but they arent. idk maybe thats because it was kinda old gas? and it was real low because after i pulled it up to the garage it ran out completely so maybe thats the problem. i just need to do a few more things before i can go out and start riding it hard.