Bahaha!! This is kind of funny because were studying this type beahvior in college Sociology class... my belief is what is called agressive passive in this case and in some cases called passive aggressive..
For this person it is agressive-passive, this is where they come off harsh and violent to see where they can take it and how far they can go. But once ho-checked then they become "passive" and play the victim role. Hence this is why some people are like ohhh he just started wrong, he's okay, he will change. One wrong click then, bam everyone is bitches again, but when confronted the passive personality will come out and he is owwww, what did i do? I just wanna be friends! Hmmmmm... Your like a book dude and any district attorney worth his salt would tear you to pieces, but my opinion is free and you should appreciate that because i dont usually waste my time on psych cases but your what 13years old? you got time to change. Dont worry you will find a G/F one day, learn to love your parents and find a successful job. Just get in touch with your inadequacies and find a way to succeed in life without the attention of others. Good Luck !