Look at this horrible port work! This is gross!


Active Member
Apr 21, 2012
Northern NEVADA!
I don't know who the hell
"Smitdogs blaster specialist" is,but he should put his tools away and find a new hobby,because he obviously sucks at this one...

Yamaha Blaster Cylinder Head Ported 66 50mm | eBay
Those upper boysens are a "no no". Pretty crude... Boost port will have no velocity...un-even blending...etc...A good example on how not to do it.

The boost port is on even and prhaps widened too much...possible ring snag... I also like the "two tone hone job",luts of blow by there... AND who the hell needs port chamfering?!??!

The transfer ports don't look terrible... Never mind,I just looks closer... MORE Un-even crap.

The exhaust looks ok...
This whould make and incredible door stop!
If you pay for port work like this,you might as well buy two of them... One to crap on ,and one to cover it up with.
YES FOLKS! You can get all this for only $169!!! (barf).
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Guy must have been blind in one eye and unable to see out of the other.

"The base of the sylinder has divits to help base gasket get a good seal ......... "What crap is this?
The physical appearance of the portwork looks decent.

The way it was done might not be so good, can't really tell. Don't have much experience with portwork.
Look up my DIY , If you take your time and NOT take off too much material the first time and it Will be fine ! .

Been there, done that.

My lad is good on the tools, and has watched me on numerous occasions, but as Blaster parts are as scarce as rocking horse teeth here in Oz, I have been reluctant about letting him loose on a good Blaster jug.
Hacked, chopped and slaughtered !
But hey....maybe its a runner?I:I
The bad part about it is that someone that doesn't know better may buy it thinking he's getting an Awsome jug. I hope this thread will save some people from making the mistake of buying this.
Oh my good Lord ... I feel very confident in saying my 2 year old could do better port work ahaha. And I would pay to know how this dude has 100% seller feedback on ebay ? ? ?