I live in Maryland and use Baltimore Craigslist since its my closest city. You would never get 1300 for a tittlest blaster. Blasters a a dime a dozen. I only paid 600 for mine my buddy bought one with full fmf, hole shots all around, apacers all around for 675 like a week ago. I see blasters all the time for 1000 or less with just as much or more work in them.
Hell I seen a blaster 2 weeks ago with a ported Vito's 240 and toomey exhaust for 1100. I can't speak for anyone else's area as prices do differ but around here u would never get 1300, 1000 is pushing it for my area anywys. There's just to many blasters for sale and everyone trying to cut prices to get ride of theirs.