
Its stupid but here it goes

Whats the difference between a Rooster and a Hooker?
Roosters say cocka doodle doo
Hookers say any weiner ol doo

what did noober's blaster say to dakotademon's blaster?

wow i have such a faggot for an owner.

dakotademon's blaster - "well atleast noober gives you a reach around"

lol oh snap, what now punks lol.

this isnt needed here....i dont care if u were joking or not..u sure are a good influence to the younger members
dude you rip on family the most because you know they can take it.
newbie laughed about, demon is just a little too old.
so this white guy decides he's destined to move to africa and help the misfortunate souls there , he has dreams of building schools , digging wells and just making life better . So he sells all his earthly belongings and goes to the dark continent . He sets off into the wilderness and as he's trekking along he is captured by a native tribe , and subsequently tied up and brought before the tribal elders . The eldest member , who speaks english says to him " you have trespassed on our land , you are guilty of bringing disease and heracy to our home , you make your choice , Death or Chi Chi "
The guys thinks , hmmmm I'll take Chi Chi , the entire tribe wails with excitement , and for the next 3 days all the male members of the tribe sodomize every orifice on the guy and then they dump him in the desert with nothing but the clothes that weren't torn off of him . The guy after a few hours struggles to his feet , and starts slowly making his way through the desert , when later that day he is again captured by yet another tribe ,and subsequently tied up and brought before the tribal elders . The eldest member , who speaks english says to him " you have trespassed on our land , you are guilty of bringing disease and heracy to our home , you make your choice , Death or Chi Chi "
The guys thinks , hmmmm I'll take Chi Chi , the entire tribe wails with excitement , and for the next 3 days all the male members of the tribe sodomize every orifice on the guy and then they dump him in the desert with nothing but the clothes that weren't torn off of him . so the guy lays there thinking " man was this a stupid idea " and he finally decides to get back onto his feet and decides he will try to slyly make it back to civilization and get home . Well late into the evening he is captured by a native tribe , and subsequently tied up and brought before the tribal elders . The eldest member , who speaks english says to him " you have trespassed on our land , you are guilty of bringing disease and heracy to our home , you make your choice , Death or Chi Chi "
The guys thinks , hmmmm I'll take Death , and the entire tribe gets this low hush about them , and the Tribal leader says " He has chosen death !!!!!! " and the tribe is very quiet then the Tribal leader speaks " But First , Chi Chi!!!!!!!!!!"
One day, an ant was walking through the jungle, when he heard a faint yell for help.
Upon further investigation, he discovers a very deep hole an elephant has accidently fallen into.
The ant asks the elephant if he is injured, to which the elephant replies,"No, but can you go find my herd so they can get me out of this hole?"
The ant says, "Sit tight, I'll just go home and get my Corvette and pull you out."
Shortly, the ant returns with his Corvette and a chain, and proceeds to pull the elephant out of the hole.
The elephant thanks the ant, and after some small talk, they go their seperate ways.
Years later, while migrating through the same area, the elephant hears a faint yell for help.
Upon further investigation, he discovers the same ant that had helped him years earlier, has fallen into the very same hole.
The ant says, "Man, am I glad to see you!, is there any way you can get me out of this hole?"
The elephant says,"Relax, I'll just lower my dick down there and you can climb out."
A short time later, the ant is out of the hole, and once again, after exchanging some small talk, they both go their seperate ways.

The moral of the story is,
If you've got a big dick, you don't need a Corvette.
One day, an ant was walking through the jungle, when he heard a faint yell for help.
Upon further investigation, he discovers a very deep hole an elephant has accidently fallen into.
The ant asks the elephant if he is injured, to which the elephant replies,"No, but can you go find my herd so they can get me out of this hole?"
The ant says, "Sit tight, I'll just go home and get my Corvette and pull you out."
Shortly, the ant returns with his Corvette and a chain, and proceeds to pull the elephant out of the hole.
The elephant thanks the ant, and after some small talk, they go their seperate ways.
Years later, while migrating through the same area, the elephant hears a faint yell for help.
Upon further investigation, he discovers the same ant that had helped him years earlier, has fallen into the very same hole.
The ant says, "Man, am I glad to see you!, is there any way you can get me out of this hole?"
The elephant says,"Relax, I'll just lower my dick down there and you can climb out."
A short time later, the ant is out of the hole, and once again, after exchanging some small talk, they both go their seperate ways.

The moral of the story is,
If you've got a big dick, you don't need a Corvette.

Lol, good sh*t. I:I
Some of us need kids like Sam to live next door to us...

> As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our
> computers.
> I had a problem yesterday, so I called Sam, the 11 year old next door,
> whose bedroom looks like Mission Control and asked him to come over.
> Sam clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
> As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong?
> He replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.'
> I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired,
> 'An ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'
> Sam grinned.... 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?
> 'No,' I replied.
> 'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it out.'
> So I wrote down:
> ID10T
> I used to like Sam, the little sh*t---.
Some of us need kids like Sam to live next door to us...

> As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our
> computers.
> I had a problem yesterday, so I called Sam, the 11 year old next door,
> whose bedroom looks like Mission Control and asked him to come over.
> Sam clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
> As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong?
> He replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.'
> I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired,
> 'An ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'
> Sam grinned.... 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?
> 'No,' I replied.
> 'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it out.'
> So I wrote down:
> ID10T
> I used to like Sam, the little sh*t---.

good sh*t right durrrrrrrrrrrrr