One day, an ant was walking through the jungle, when he heard a faint yell for help.
Upon further investigation, he discovers a very deep hole an elephant has accidently fallen into.
The ant asks the elephant if he is injured, to which the elephant replies,"No, but can you go find my herd so they can get me out of this hole?"
The ant says, "Sit tight, I'll just go home and get my Corvette and pull you out."
Shortly, the ant returns with his Corvette and a chain, and proceeds to pull the elephant out of the hole.
The elephant thanks the ant, and after some small talk, they go their seperate ways.
Years later, while migrating through the same area, the elephant hears a faint yell for help.
Upon further investigation, he discovers the same ant that had helped him years earlier, has fallen into the very same hole.
The ant says, "Man, am I glad to see you!, is there any way you can get me out of this hole?"
The elephant says,"Relax, I'll just lower my dick down there and you can climb out."
A short time later, the ant is out of the hole, and once again, after exchanging some small talk, they both go their seperate ways.
The moral of the story is,
If you've got a big dick, you don't need a Corvette.