Jeremy Lusk Dies

Anyone else wondering why the medics were slanging that dude around when it obvious he broke his freaking neck? That looked like some medic sh*t out of a world war II movie.
yeah, you must know you're going to die when you see that coming, its like an oh f*ck me!! situation. he was attempting the nastiest backflip there is
what a great soul taken! RIP Jeremy.(i got to meet him in person and have an autograph 3 yrs ago)
Just a tragic loss to the sport.Hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends.R.I.P. JL
R.I.P. don't get many freestyle channels, or keep up with them much, but I've heard the name before, and respect the sport. All I have is respect for this guy! He does it once, crashes, and then tries it again, thats balls right there.
i thought jeremy stenberg was twitch...some call robbie maddison twitch too cuz he shakes his head alot when he rides....but anyways lusk was an animal. sad stuff