How active this place is becoming... it seems like every time i sign on theres a new member, and im not counting the unactive ones, but i keep seeing new avatars and names actively posting in all the forums.
This would be the first time ive been a part of a forum from almost the beginning, its pretty cool to watch it grow, especially at this pace. I really dont think we have to worry about this place goin under.
BTW, im about to change the donut video i just put on youtube and add in a comment about the forum to spread the word.
This would be the first time ive been a part of a forum from almost the beginning, its pretty cool to watch it grow, especially at this pace. I really dont think we have to worry about this place goin under.
BTW, im about to change the donut video i just put on youtube and add in a comment about the forum to spread the word.