I got smoked

Well I wouldn't take it to heart. The 250r is legendary and the KTM is top shelf?
I'd feel the same way if I ever raced a Chettah Banshee...
Good write up. Thanks. As far as the ktm goes I agree about them being fast as you know what from the factory and they handle like a dream as well. My problem is I can beat both the ktm and r handily. But they beat me handily, thats part of the reason I was so shellshocked... Looks like a I got a big head, got behind, and stayed behind. Hopefully I'll learn something from this.

lol same thing happened to me this weekend, saturday i got 2nd in my class in my first time in that class, sunday i was all cocky and got a DNF and 6th, i felt sh*tty but life goes on, just concentrate on the fact that you beat them before and you can do it again.
I have that feeling and i think we all have off days our periods of times.

Do you challenge yourself?

It feels good when someone comes up to me after a race and says things like nice job, Boy I like to watch you race, or you have allot of heart. You know what? I did not win the race i crashed hard, but did finish. Hearing that makes you feel like you just won. Thanks Bo
Respect all competitors, they are out there trying a sport you both like!
The Real race is within yourself. Dreaming, Knowing, and Doing is all it takes. Sounds easy doesn't it. Which is easier quitting or to continue? When you continue even though you feel like giving in, that's the difference between winning or losing. It's all within yourself. Fear is your tool, it's a tool we can use to challenge our self everyday.
Some cool quotes
Live in the moment, the moment is now.
When you are down and out but you get back up and and keep going! Having the heart and desire to finish what you started no matter what the outcome maybe.

If I'm not in front of you, I'm right behind you cause I never give-up!
Think it, now believe it and go do do it !!! Who ?
The best way out is always through. =Robert Frost
Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
George Smith Patton
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." - Rocky Balboa

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer. George Smith Patton


1. Never give up. It’s never too late to make a move until the checkered flag flies.
2. Ride hard and ride smart.
3. Cheaters are not really winners.
4. Never underestimate the competition. Everyone is a competitor.
5. Keep the competition on the track. Off the track we are all friends with a common interest.
6. When things get tough, cowboy up. This is not a sport for faint of heart.
7. Don’t beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes.
8. Even the best riders have off days.

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