how old are you??

hmmmm i need a set of bars and levers i tipped mine over shooting grass at a friend just on the blsty side but did it twice to bolth sides lmao
i guess that makes me the 4th oldest so far, (31) and blasterboy200 i remember the days of getting money for birthdays and christmas. now its work 70 hours a week, for mortgage, car payments, heat, electric, bla bla bla , then the blasty

this aint no joke here this dudes absolutley right i mean sh*t i'm lucky if I got like an extra 50 bucks after paying all my bills and stuff to save up for my blaster but yea man I see your 30 sumthin and you dont look like you have lost the creativity one bit by the looks of that bad ass looking machine I:I
sh*t my parents dont pay for any of this stuff!!!!!!

i got the rm125 for $600(had to put in a new crank)
paid for the blaster after cutting grass and working as a mechanic (my neighbor owns a shop) for 6 months including all summer

and the quadracer was free =]]
the only thing my parents bought me in the last 4 years is my 360 and half my tv. i make an assload at my summer job so its all good when i hit summer.
this aint no joke here this dudes absolutley right i mean sh*t i'm lucky if I got like an extra 50 bucks after paying all my bills and stuff to save up for my blaster but yea man I see your 30 sumthin and you dont look like you have lost the creativity one bit by the looks of that bad ass looking machine I:I

thanx bro!!
im 31 as well. wife, 3 kids, 1 dog, 2 cats, and 3 turtles. i travel the world, meet new and interesting people and then kill them when Uncle Sam decided its time to not like them anymore. Sportbikes are my passion, ATV's are my hobby and when im home i spend my spare time camping with the family or doing mechanic work on other peoples toys.

and when all else fails, im playing world of warcraft waiting for something to entertain me.