how old are you??

why do all of these young ass kids have nicer bikes than us older guys w/ the execption on timsyfz?

lol!! true, anyways i would have mine better if my dad would let me spend money in new shocks and bigger carb and stuff, he say's its not worth it lol
i've just turned 16 like a few weeks ago lol. My blaster would be a lot better if i got to ride it more often and had somewhere legal that i can ride, also i'm saving up for a dirt bike so i'm not investing to much money into my blaster at the moment
i am 23...and yea where are all the young guys getting the cash for these bikes lol
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24 here, i totally did not know this site was 99% teenagers with so much more knowledge about these things than me.... lol
i guess that makes me the 4th oldest so far, (31) and blasterboy200 i remember the days of getting money for birthdays and christmas. now its work 70 hours a week, for mortgage, car payments, heat, electric, bla bla bla , then the blasty
first of all, cash comes from my good paying job. and about why the younger ones are nicer, we have more time, less bills, and dont have a lack of creativity.

i work my ass off carrying 100lb concrete forms and whateverelse i can get my hands in scrap metal one day next is whatever and im 13 with no papers lmao
reedracing is old than me by a month how tall are i mean im 5'9 but u look like 6ft...
lmao i think so sometimes.. no working papers i work with me dad or his friends i make $150 a week in summer but during school mow lawns and scrap metal cause when i get home too late to work
u look tall im 5'9 dang lmao guess were pretty close in age eh wish my blsty was as nice as urs..