how long does it take to get the hang of a bike?

i just got a kx125 and i havent been on a dirtbike since i was like six..iv had two mopeds two three wheelers and two quads.and dirtbikes are definitly more freaky to still geting used to it myself and i love the speed but cornering is sketchy.i also feel like the back is gona slip out.two of my friends alredy wrecked it and broke the front break lever...i call it the whipout lever.but its geting to feel more comfterble geting about three feet of air on my jump but the first day i didnt even leave second.its all about experience.and dirtbikes are realy durable and they can handle a whipout or two
im actually getting pretty comfortable already from just riding it around the yard and the street. rode my first wheelie on it about an hour ago. already wishing it was a 2 stroke tho but i really like it
you need to learn sometime,tbh im not doing this to scare you,but you will crash at one time or the other it happens with everyone and once you realise what its like to fall off you probably wont have the same fear again.
i love it. was riding today from 9am to 330 pm. first time taking it to the moutains. only thing i can biotch about is it needs new tires. damn near rode it off a clif today taking a turn too wide but a great day.definatly getting more comfortable on it. was riding wheelies and hitting some whoops and jumps today.
we got our selfs a proracer here.


My experiance was opposite to yours I was use to riding dirt bikes. I was always worried about the tires sliding out, but u get use to how it handles. My first time riding anything with more than 2 wheels freaked me out when turning, was use to the lean u get on a bike. The fact it was a trike probably didn't help either, quads seemed more stable. But do miss the lean of the bikes. Wheel wobble could be the instability of the front suspension geometry, or a unbalanced, or bent wheel.
i should have never bought it..... rode for about 5 hours again today which was great untill i was done and decided to take the blaster for a ride since i havent touched it since the day i got the bike. i dont think i'll ever feel the same way about my quads again. even thogh i've been riding nothing but blasters for the past 2 years after a couple days on this new bike when i get on the quads it feels like i've never ridden one before. feels slow and weak. good news is by the time i get out of jail it should feel like i've never been on either of them and they can all start with a fresh slate.