Herpes came back

Got my gaskets from ken, threw it together. new nuts for the head because the old ones were rusted and different sizes...

air leak tested good (although the leak tester failed at first)

waiting on clutch basket, floppy fixer (kicker fix from awk), exhaust clamp, and clutch lock washer
also need to order stuff yet:
extended swinger, just want to replace now rather than do bearings/bushings and need new swinger anyhow
chain + sprockets
skid plate
shift lever

would also like tires, but not in budget atm. i will be selling some douglas red labels soom FYI if anyone interested hmu

i liked what i saw when i looked in here (been open two days, first time looking lol)

Not trying to dampen your spirits Herp, but how good are the head studs?

It may pay to replace them as well, if the PO had to mix and match nuts, did they stretch the threads some.

New studs will not stretch the budget much further, but may save some strife later in the build!
all of the studs/nuts were the correct threading.
i really dont know where the different sizes came from, unless i was imagining and they all would have fit the same socket lol

studs have a little rust, but nothing major. its only above where the nuts are
As long as you are comfortable that the studs have not been stretched, it should be ok.

Not something that I would recommend, using new nuts on old (unsure about what abuse the PO has given them) studs!
Got my magnum clutch basket today, got the stock one apart and ready to swap gears.

the retainer plate that came with the magnum will not fit! the center hole is about 10mm smaller than stock and will not go over the gear

i might try going to an old local machine shop (never been there, old building) and have them drill it out for cheap.

or buy a dremel bit and grind it for a while. if i can find the dremel that is!
well i got a bit for the dremel to grind out part of the aluminum plate.
cant find the dremel...

so we moved the pully on our drill press and got that thing spinning faster than i thought safe.

turns out to not me an abrasive enough bit. so it just got packed with aluminum in seconds

bringing it to the machine shop tuesday to have them mill it out. waiting on stuff anyways, so cant ride it

have coming from rocky:
chain + sprockets
swinger guard
carrier bearings
extra plugs

from ebay:
cheap shift lever i had on white nasty that i liked

to buy:
pipe spring - will get from local honda probably
Finally got to pull it out of the hiding spot it has been in for a week because of having a garage sale.

Cut of the chain, removed the sprockets, unhooked the rear shock.

later i will pull the carrier off the swinger to replace bearings and put on the new +2 swinger.
one thing im not sure on though. the rear brake line is pointed straight forward and pulling the line slightly tight.
im wondering if when i turn it around, will it be long enough to reach back the extra 2 inches...

i will leave the swinger on until i get my new one, just pop bolt out and in with some help. easier than out in out in (even if thats better ;))

took the retainer plate to the local machine shop i was recommended to. he just took them, no name or number or slip or anything.
so lets hope i get them back in a day or two. hes pretty well known, so im sure its fine. might not even charge me idk
out of the cowering corner she comes

ready to pull swinger off when i get my new one. also noticed i need to repack the silencer because its original packing

not pertaining to my quad but.... got my brother's running after rebuild because of low comp. its for sale now
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So as for tires. You all have seen I'm selling both douglas sets I have.

On rocky you can get tire and rim combos for a good price, so I will be ordering tech4 on douglas a5 rims.

The a5 rim is thin, but has a rolled lip. So it's stronger.

Since blasters are oddballs I can't get 9" rims that arnt just blue labels. That literally the only option for blaster 9"

So that being that way, I'm going to order the tires mounted on banshee rims. And order hubs when I find some for a good price
I already ranted and raved to awk about this, so it will be short here lol

i was trying to buy the used CFM from egay. last 5 seconds i was bumping up my bid to what would have won it... but the f*cking app on my phone decided to pop-up and tell me i had been out-bid and it reset my 95 i was GOING to bid back down at 67 to get over the other guy's $1 bump.

so, the app screwed me up, and now i have to pay $50-$70 more for a fcking airbox i could have probably got for 75+24 shipping. now its $130 +$25 filter
anyways, im slowly getting over it. watching my bank account shrink and shrink.....

i got the retainer for my clutch basket today, and had an interesting thing happen with the kicker (will make a new thread to help others)

got the basket together, installed it, putting the first friction plate in.... or at least trying

had to put the top in, and hold it while i pushed in the bottom. then work my way around pushing it back a little at a time. but it loosened up halfway on
i will probably just file the basket a tiny bit as i was informed would help. but tomorrow
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Got my swinger today. very nice finish, all great welds too

only problems i have are:
the holes are not threaded where the guard bolts go
chain slider is also not threaded, so i will have to cut a small part of my guard off to fit nuts on.

i laid it next to my green one and wondered if they sent me the wrong one. then i measured and found out the green one was extended :o
i dont think it would have broke, but it was ugly as can be

will need to buy a couple matching length bolts to put the swinger guard on. i currently am using mismatched ones from the parts bucket we have

waiting on tires (estimated wednesday) and the yfz450 hubs

monday i will be ordering a CFM if no one comments in my wanted thread
hopefully i can start it at the end of next week!