HELP Stripped Phillips head screw on oil cover HELP ANY IDEAS?

going to look to see what I have for dremel I might have something.. as for grind I wish.. lol over on the oil cover its the lower left one.. if you look no room without hitting the cover grinding it off.
but thanks for the tip
I will get one of these great ideas working I am sure :P
Or try a chisel and a hammer...Seriously you can make it a flat head screw...i did that when i didnt have my extractors
Peacher!!! NOW THERE IS A IDEA TOO! Actually with the limited amount of tools I have I might just try that first off! NICE BRO!

when I read like I was like boom.. missing piece of the puzzle :P
lol, my buddy is a motorcycle mechanic and he showed me that trick, I was amazed! Let me know if it worked for you
Good advice.. but I do know that.. Whoever painted the cover red (previous owner) must of put striped screws back in..
They already were wrecked pretty much all of them.

I did not attempt to fix it today. but tomarrow for sure!
I did 6 hours of riding on the blasty today! Choose to ride over work lol :P
after u have knocked a flat head slot in it there is a tool i do not know the name of but is great! u fit ur flat or phillips TIP and u use a hammer to smack twist when u smackit and works really well. maybe a impact screw driver?? they exist cuz i have use one on blaster cases and even to get off a 30 yr old vw door..craftsmans makes one..
yeah its called a manual impact driver. after you get flat screwdriver head slot put into the bolt you can use the impact to get off. the impacts run somewhere around 15-20 dollars with the various screwdriver heads. A lot of the manual impacts you can pull the screwdriver bit head off and then use 1/2 drive sockets also.