Help pickin' out a dirtbike!

yep i say if your gonna get a bike, for trails and ur first....then i would get a cr, yz 250, or 450F.....yes would be good for the trails and you dont have to worry about it rocketing off with the powerband
yes i had a 93 cr250.. was my first bike... stupid fast!!!! scared the hell outta me!! way to much for a first bike!! im 260 pounds and that bike lifted in every gear just on throttle!!

The man aint kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Cr Scares the sh*t out me everytime I ride it!!!!!!!!!

But in my opinion that is a good thing it makes you humble and respect the power of what you are riding.

Once you lose respect for the power of what you are riding you end up going over and above..

We all know what that means CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!