Help pickin' out a dirtbike!


Dec 1, 2009
Hamlet, NC
Hey guys! Well, I think this is the year for me to finally get myself a dirt bike. :D I'd love some input from y'all on what you guys think I should buy. I've been riding quads for years, but haven't had much practice on a dirtbike. That's gonna change soon.

Basically, I ride trails and some cross-country. I don't think I'm gonna be hitting any jumps with one anytime soon. :o I'm tall at 6'2, but lighter at 160lbs. I want either a Yamaha or Honda, and was thinking about something along the lines of a ttr225 or ttr250. I'm open to, say, a Honda CR or Yamaha YZ 250, but I'm nervous about having a 2-stroke rocket between my legs with only 2 wheels touching the ground. Lol. Would a 225 or 250 be too small for me? About right? Or too big?

I actually don't mind a bike that's a bit big, seeing as the quad I first learned to ride was a twist-throttle 'Shee.... But, at the same time, I still wanna be around this time next year to help you guys solve Blasty problems!

Help! And thanks in advance!
whatever you do dont waste your time on a ttr. if you want a good trails bike go with the normal yz250f much better imo
for your high your gonna want a taller bike... there are aolt of options out right now for bikes...

since your new to bikes id recoomend riding a friends bike first. i started on a cr250 and it was to much, but after 2-3 rides on a cr125 i was bored with the power.. well the power was fine once it came on. if your trail riding your going to want a 250 minimum.. trust me a 125 dont have the down low your gonna want/ need.

even a kdx200 would be a great starter bike/ trail bike... decent power ands there made for trails.

crf250, kx250f, yz250f rmz250, cr yz rm kx 250, any would be agreat starter bike.... and reember just because it has the power dont mean you need to use it right away...
you should all be ashamed of yourselves..

get a Yz250, Cr250, or an Rm250 or even a 125..

im not one sided when it comes to 2 or 4 stroke... todays 4 strokes are fast. id love to stuff a crf250 motor in my 200x..

gotta remeber a 4 stroke bike will be much more rider friendly on trails.

if you can swing the coin.. buy aold beat up running riding dirt bike to beat on for now... bikes take alot more body english to ride than a quad... your gonna wanna start out riding straihgt lines gettin usedto the power band, and shifting/braking.. than start with slow corners and work your way up...

dont be bias agains 2 or 4 stroke...

go to a dealer and talk with them they can help you pick out agood bike for your size
Lots of good info here. Thanks! I'm open to either a 2- or 4-stroke bike at the moment. A buddy of mine has an rm250; I think I'll try it out first and see what I think. I like the explosive powerband of a 2-stroke in a quad, but I'm thinking I'd prefer a more linear powerband of the 4-stroke on a bike. Maintenance issues, and the upfront cost of the bike are no big deal to me. I think I'll start lookin' at the 250's, from what everybody's been saying. I catch onto skills such as riding pretty quick, so I think I can master the body language with some practice and control a bigger engine no prob. I bet the added grunt of more cc's (when compared to a 125 or 150), helps a lot on some trails...

One more question. Is it true, what I've heard about (even properly-maintained and jetted) 2-stroke bikes needing top end work after every 50-75 hours of riding? I wouldn't doubt it, but am curious nonetheless if this problem is more of a Yamaha issue, or if it applies to all makes of hi-perf. 2-stroke bikes...
the needing rebuild every so many hours is mainly for bikes that are raced, so there 'fresh' to stay competitive.. basicly rebuild them when they need it

Gotcha. That's what I thought, seeing as races are tough on even the best top ends. If the bike is ridden only recreationally, it makes sense that it would last much longer than the same machine used for racing. I maintain my equipment well and know how to properly tune carb's and mix fuel, so I guess that won't be a big worry for me...

OK. No motor oil, camshafts, or poppet valves, then. I'll stay 2-stroke and take it easy until I get used to the powerband. 2-stroke Yamaha, Honda, KTM, Suzuki, or Kawasaki 250? I'm thinkin' perhaps a Honda CR250 if the price is right. Agree? Maybe there's a better option?
I would get a Yz250f :D great bike, Won many many races on mine. Leavs the little baby 125's behind in a cloud of dust :D. There also highley realiable i've had my yzf around a year now and race it prety much every weekend and have never had no problems with it.
I have a 2000 CR250 and love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just rips and is fun to ride on trails or the track..

All I have on it is a pipe and silencer, I was going to get a 125 but like 4cfed said you will get bored of the power real quick and end up beating the hell out of it.

I am a 2stroke guy so I am alittle bias when it comes to 4pokes LOL. But I see as if you take care of your 2stroke with regular maintnance they will last and a rebuild is alot easier in my opinion. A 4poke has alot more moving parts on the top end and when they break they cost a lot more to rebuild. Just my 2 cents
YZ 490 you wont get bored of a 500 2stroke anytime soon.. i just had a guy come pick up my parts 125 and he said he has had the same kx500 for 8 years and is still not bored and does supermoto with it... 250F in my opion would be to short for him 6' 2" and i am 5 9 and 160 and its to short for me the 125's were perect height and had plenty of power i didnt get bored with it.. 250 2stroke or a 500