GPS tracking/MPH etc. with Android

got my new droid on it's way, made a trade with techblaster and he hooked me up
thanx again bro !!!!!!!

so i'll be DL'n this mytracks app and plotting out awk mountain asap !!!!!!

but in the mean time, can someone post up some sattelite images of their riding areas uploaded from this app ?????
ATV2 10/19/10 - Google Maps

Here is an example of just a short ride if you just want to see how it tracks out, I'm working on editing out a whole map for my area and uploading it to google earth (yes you can do this for 3d). I just realized another cool feature however. I can't figure out if I did not save info with this link or it does not show in linked maps? but there is a collaboration now so for instance, for you awk you could have multiple people take maps of say Awk Mountain and overlay them all.

I will post my whole map when done.

awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .

edit.....did the google earth veiw, dude thats badass, and looks like you have quite a huge riding area, as i do
i hope i can get this figered out, mapped and posted, before my ride in july !!!!!!!!!
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This is great! I will have my nephew with me, and he is going to download this app and do, it this weekend up at Awk mountain! Can't wait!
sweeeeeeeet, he can give me a lesson on using the app, and hopefully my new
HTC ARIA arrives tomorrow so he can give me a lesson on it too, hahahaaa
awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .

edit.....did the google earth veiw, dude thats badass, and looks like you have quite a huge riding area, as i do
i hope i can get this figered out, mapped and posted, before my ride in july !!!!!!!!!

Yea I've mapped over 150 miles of trails just riding out my shop into forest service land, it's like my backyard, I should take pics sometimes, well you kinda saw I guess. I've been working on mapping out all the trails and then overlaying them into one master google earth map.

But glad you guys enjoy man, I would argue that minus the temp it is a better tool than a trail tech. and free
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i gotta throw beets some major reps for turning us all onto this,
watch them lil green boxes multiply !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i gotta throw beets some major reps for turning us all onto this,
watch them lil green boxes multiply !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn went up a whole box, thanks man I:I Truthfully how could you not share this. I thought long and hard about getting a trailtech like a year ago and then said, wait ... what the f**ck, I got this expensive ass phone, It has to be able to do something better and whadda you know. I tried like nine or ten apps before coming across this one but they were all standalone GPS apps. Since I have a google droid this synced right up with google maps which is part of android not a separate app so seamless integration.
help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm tracking my trails, saving map, which on my phone i can see the trail marked in red, uploaded to google, and also saved it in all 3 or 4 different formats to my sim card, then transfered to my puter and uploaded to "my maps" on my google account,
so i've tried every possible way i can see, and the all the maps are listed in my google, but when i click on them, it only asks me if i want to download them,
no google map opens showing me my map
WTF ?????????????????
cause i'm a de da dee !!!!!!
i needed to set my default location, and my maps showed right up, freakin awesome, heres a little run my bro in-law on his kfx700 and I did today, till he told me he was gettin low on fuel < dumbass didnt put any in

if the map isnt in sattelite or ariel veiw, switch to it..........................

2011-05-15 16:06 - Google Maps

and the spreadsheet that shows elevation, speed ect. ......................
SWEET! Glad ya got it figured out bro! But 48MPH max, takin it easy i see!!!

raining like hell almost the whole time, goggles fogging, finally ditched them, plus waitin on bro in-laws slow ass
and broke my clutch cable soon after turning around to head home, made it the whole way without stopping/stalling

gonna do a 1/4 mile hardroad run only and see what the max speed says ?????
i cracked that rappy 700 wide open for almost a mile yesterday, it told me max speed was 62 or sumthin, no freakin way, that rappy was pullin all of 80+ mph < made my eyes water !!!!!!!!
raining like hell almost the whole time, goggles fogging, finally ditched them, plus waitin on bro in-laws slow ass
and broke my clutch cable soon after turning around to head home, made it the whole way without stopping/stalling

gonna do a 1/4 mile hardroad run only and see what the max speed says ?????
i cracked that rappy 700 wide open for almost a mile yesterday, it told me max speed was 62 or sumthin, no freakin way, that rappy was pullin all of 80+ mph < made my eyes water !!!!!!!!

HAAAAHAAA! I finally got out too. Only for a little bit, but the places my nephew showed me were pretty awesome, alot , i mean alot of hill climbs! still couldn't get this program to work on his phone. X(