Got a buck!

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u should start getting rid of your negative comments....u have been warned over and over again about this

nice little buck u got there man!

Sheeblast , This isn't a place for your kind of attitude , He's proud of his Kill , did a great job and I am sure not his last . Just try to be positive bro , we'd all appreciate it.
Very Nice! Congradulations! I'm 43 and never shot at a deer! My dad would never go or take me. I'm taking my son for the first time (rifle though) when it opens in nov. It will be our first deer season together.
yea my dad told me that its really not that worth it to send it to a butcher cause its not like the entire deer is good meat, i only prefer the back straps and the loins..... probably the most tender part of the venison.... but yea ive done it b4, last year i butchered my own deer, i used my blaster actually to skin it, like this:
YouTube - Deer skinning with a Quad!!
not as easy with a blaster, but you get the idea....

so what do you do with the rest of the deer, just throw it away?? when i used to hunt i removed the backstraps and the loins then made sausage or speidies out of the rest. if you hunt animals at lest have the respect to eat it all not just throw it away.
the kids 13, and he got a decent buck little buck hes proud of... id be proud of my son if he shot that...i could see if he was a 40 yr old thats hunted for decades....just give some credit once in awhille!

I concur, having had six kids I have hunted with that buck is alright & he should save the skull cap.

My oldest boys first buck was a small one as well, my younger boy pictured has gotten two nice ones last couple rifle seasons.

Congrats on the buck with a bow.


We take the deer to the local butcher he makes steaks & burger meat - when I hunt out of state on someone elses land I give the meat to the landowner if they want it - I am really only after the hunt & it keeps the landowner happy amd my return trip assured :)

Had to throw a picture of my youngest daughter with her buck which really made my day to be in on that hunt with her.

so what do you do with the rest of the deer, just throw it away?? when i used to hunt i removed the backstraps and the loins then made sausage or speidies out of the rest. if you hunt animals at lest have the respect to eat it all not just throw it away.

no we dont throw it away we usually sell it to a market or a butcher. usually the butcher takes all the meat out and then sells it to people... the meat never goes to waste... im not that kind of person. trust me
I concur, having had six kids I have hunted with that buck is alright & he should save the skull cap.

My oldest boys first buck was a small one as well, my younger boy pictured has gotten two nice ones last couple rifle seasons.

Congrats on the buck with a bow.


We take the deer to the local butcher he makes steaks & burger meat - when I hunt out of state on someone elses land I give the meat to the landowner if they want it - I am really only after the hunt & it keeps the landowner happy amd my return trip assured :)

Had to throw a picture of my youngest daughter with her buck which really made my day to be in on that hunt with her.


beautiful deer (both)... my brother harvested a 7 pointer last year (shotgun) and we sent it to a taxidermist to get the head stuffed... pretty nice buck.. dont have a pic though....
well if his hunting situation is anything like mine, which i hunt on our own 300 acres of private land they never get the chance to grow any bigger, say they go over our property line for a day, they might not come back, they might get shot, they might get hit by a car, yea we have had a couple of big boys taken at our place, MONSTER 8 pointers, couple good tens and even one 13 pointer but its all just a risk you take, you pass a buck saying im gonna give him another year. well they is a VERY very slim chance that deer will still be around, every body gets so excited and trigger happy to see a buck, they dont ever try and manage a deer population

but anyway back to your deer, nice buck, i still wish i would have shot that 4 pointer i seen last year i envy your buck........i hope to get one during muzzleloader season, thats when our rut is in FULL swinger

I'd shoot every buck too. There are way too many deer around. I never hunt, but sometimes I'll walk around in the woods with my AK, if I see a deer on the move you can be sure I'll be blasting a few rounds at it.
good for you..........................anyway, bugsbunny, your daughters buck is really impressive, big rack, with a big body(lol) overall big deer, and yea bigboy, the loins and back straps are my favorite just to eat but most of all make jerky out of, its the most lean(less fatty) area of meat, you can use the shoulders and hind quarters but they dont come out as well, they make good stakes though
is that your first buck if so way to go if not well way to go anyway I am not a hunter myself cause I cant kill things but I get it it seems like it would be a heck of a rush and the skill and patience it take is crazy good job
is that your first buck if so way to go if not well way to go anyway I am not a hunter myself cause I cant kill things but I get it it seems like it would be a heck of a rush and the skill and patience it take is crazy good job

its not my first deer, but its my first with a bow and arrow... first DEER with a bow and arrow... but ive gotten plenty of deer with my shotgun in the past 3 years including buck
I'd shoot every buck too. There are way too many deer around. I never hunt, but sometimes I'll walk around in the woods with my AK, if I see a deer on the move you can be sure I'll be blasting a few rounds at it.

:-/ We have a real shortage of deer here, besides the fine is hefty including few gents locally got jail time for doing exactly the same thing with an AR.

Bow is very tough & you should be proud, many skilled hunters have their deer run off & die with a bad hit from a bow.

Good luck with your next hunt I:I
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