hmm hmm they will but its just a kick to the balls. its a total cheap shot. they're playing it dirty.
What sucks about it dude, is you are responsible, and since its your parents property, theyre responsible for you.
It comes down to whos lawyer is better, but its most likely going your parents more money to fight it, than it is to just let their insurance pay for it and they take a hit to their premiums.
Since you were operating the ATV, you are the responsible party in the accident. Its all on you. Youre their responsibility. It sucks, but Im sure you learned a lesson.
1) dont let anyone ride on your property without a notarized waiver
2) dont let anyone ride without a helmet on
3) dont let anyone ride on the back of your quad - make the mofo walk next time.
and most importantly
4) dont be doing any favors to that mofo or his parents anymore.
and hell
5) go onto their property and find some way to get hurt on something of theirs so your parents can sue them (lol this is just a jackass joke)
i mean i understand this whole situation. but we've done a lot of nice things for them and they do this. if this kid was my son that got hurt, no matter how expensive it was i would let it go and try to forget about it. this whole thing gets me feeling bad about my self because i was driving. but slowly and cautiously. does common sensce kick in? hold on maybe? i under stand the legal terms. but i dont understand why people can't live up to their word and not just think about them selves?
Well, it doesn't sound like they are trying to make money, just not be out any. The prob with that is that they knew their son was out riding and should have accepted the consequences of that without looking for someone else to foot the bill.
"You pays your money and takes your chances"
Who cares if they have lots of money and a good job. Why should they foot the bill because you guys were being careless. It is your responsibility to care for guests on your property.