gettin ready for busco

damn dude ur gonna rack up a couple thousand miles in a month lol
yea that stuff noob makes is some goooooood stuff, we are gonna be taken batts dads truck instead of my pathfinder, its got tons more pulling power, and last thing i want is to break down somewhere in the hills of VA ......lmao, no offence to our VA members lol

Same here bro,I am taking my cousins newer durango.She gets my More room,tv's etc should be a comfy ride down.I will take the minivan to myrtle beach.I am going to stock up on smokes while I am down south,this $8 a pack is costing too much,$3 and change is much better.
Same here bro,I am taking my cousins newer durango.She gets my More room,tv's etc should be a comfy ride down.I will take the minivan to myrtle beach.I am going to stock up on smokes while I am down south,this $8 a pack is costing too much,$3 and change is much better.

good call man, 8 bucks is getting insane.....i heard ny is going to 10 bucks, we will shortly follow for sure:(
Electronic Cigarette by blu E Cigarette - Home
here man u should try these neghbors have them and said there awsome alot cheaper and give u a better buz than just cigarattes and ontop of that nothings bad for ya and u wont be makein people like me who r alergic to cigarrete smoke almost croke hahaha everythime im by a smoker my throught starts to swell up, o well tho

It's a bad habit,I will agree.Someday I will quit and hopefully it won't be too late.
damn dude ur gonna rack up a couple thousand miles in a month lol
yea that stuff noob makes is some goooooood stuff, we are gonna be taken batts dads truck instead of my pathfinder, its got tons more pulling power, and last thing i want is to break down somewhere in the hills of VA ......lmao, no offence to our VA members lol

HEY! watch it pal!, lol jk....yea it does get pretty mountainous at the souther part of VAm mainly is the southwester to south central part of VA(im more of in the middle of western and central of the southern part of VA, LMK if your going to be passing Roanoke VA on the interstate....that were im alI:I
i think we are gonna try and go down a differnet way other than 95 so we dont have to deal with nyc traffic and tolls with the double axle trailer
theres gonna be tons of pics and hrs of footage from this one.....since we couldnt get a BF meet together with everyone....i guess for what its worth this is kinda like the BF will be real sweet being able to see a bunch of blastys from here and e2s all lined up for some killer pics.....could make a possible good new header pic...he he he
it will be real sweet being able to see a bunch of blastys from here and e2s all lined up for some killer pics.....could make a possible good new header pic...he he he

Now yur talkin. Most Blasters in 1 picture for a banner!. Till ya get that pic the most Blasters I ever saw in 1 picture was your collection...LOL
i think it was a pic like this one lol


we can get a waaaay better one than that at will be epic lol
Ya really think they'll let ya come back after this year..LOL..If I could find a Jimmy Buffett concert around that time & place my wife would make me go. :) Ill be lookin for members along the way that have a full tank in their truck and are planning a BBQ. I can eat & siphon my way to Busco I:I...Burp