FULL '96 Rebuild

Also I forgot I've also been to Brisbane. While I was in the Navy. Also went to Hobart. Some day I plan to go back with the wife.
very nice build waffle !!

and btw...my pre 03 plastics are about the only thing stock on my bike,
and they're staying that way, i want everyone to know "it's just a blaster" :)
You're a brave soul to still be using the injection pump. I personally don't trust them any further than I can trust them.
In defence of the oil injection, keep it topped up, observe cleanliness, bleed it if you flip the bike and it will serve you well.

There so many unfounded stories of oil pump failure, when all the time it has been operator error.
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The Blaster oil pump has been blamed for many an engine failure, when in fact it has been operator error.

Air leak resulting in a fried piston, blame the pump.

Induced dirt causing abrasion, blame the pump.

Seizure due to low oil, blame the pump.

Incorrect oil, blame the pump.

Air lock in lines from running out of oil or exposing the pickup due to flipping the bike. Failure bleeding the system,
Blame the pump

Cold seizes due to lack of warm up, guess what, yup blame the pump.

Ashtray overflowing, blame the pump!:D:D:D
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Gee maybe I should put a pump on so I can blame it if something goes wrong hahaha but in all honesty that all makes sense to me. Actually, when my friend's engine blew up, he took off the pump, and after he blew it up twice more and after I tore it apart I found the stator side crank bearing seal was bad. So that was his problem, but he blamed the pump.