Free Manufacturers Decals

Is there an updated list? Because I'm going to start quadcross soon and would like a bunch of stickers for my bike lol. Need to give it that "Race and Sponsored" look untill actuall sponsorship.
Not really need just want, makes the bike look more "official" and hey why would they say no. Its free advertisement for them. So I don't see why they would mind lol. you know what I mean its a win win for everybody.
Well from what everyone else is getting I'm expecting a SH!T LOAD of stickers and stuff lol.
Ive already had experience with these "Free Manufacturer Decals" it still works and you get a lot of stickers. Bel-Ray, AMSOil, NGK Spark Plugs, Wiseco Pistons, Outerwears, KLOTZ Oil, ASV, and Asterik
Because its 2:12 a.m. and this thread is about Free Stickers, so I'd like to keep it that way. Yes, NGK makes spark plug wires but they dont make them for ATV's, only cars.
I just sent emails 20 min ago I'm not gonna pay but those who require an envelope that I'll do but paying like $5-6 bucks is so not worth it were advertising their company for free plus they wanna charge us... Nahh I'm good.
Ive already had experience with these "Free Manufacturer Decals" it still works and you get a lot of stickers. Bel-Ray, AMSOil, NGK Spark Plugs, Wiseco Pistons, Outerwears, KLOTZ Oil, ASV, and Asterik

Do you have their emails so I can email them and get some stickers myself?