for homie (2002 shee seller)

well right now i can get one that doesnt have a tweeked frame an has pipes reeds carbs nerfs an a bummper all aftermarket an he only wants 1500 for it an in the dead beat of winter itll start with 3 kicks
that sounds reasonable.....i bought a "perfect" 01 shee for 1400. all stock, just in pieces. frame was rust free, no bends. i posted a pic. even had a title....theres more out there....

1500 seems ok thats for a basically stock bike in decent shape too..about going rate id say....
btw, you can spot a tweaked subframe in a second on a shee. look at teh rear fenders, grab bar and silencers......easy detection....anybody who loves to wheelie, has probly unknowingly tweeked theirs....especially if you found yourself on the grab bar, or you bounce it off trees or got hit...theres a lot of ways

i saw a entry for BOTM had a tweaked subframe.....hahhahahaha
nice dude with it being tweaked an all how bad do they rife or can you even really tell. well on second thought where the swing arm connects mine got tweaked there an boy did it pull hard to the left now that i remmber lol... that was on my old 89 shee i had when i was 16
they dont ride bad, just ugly, and make things hard to install....especially pipes. not to mention its bent so it may be weaker, and if its bent bad enough....the welds in different places could crack. some people dont realize it, but where you sit is on the sub frame....a bent axle will make it pull hard to one side hard too, found that out the hard way on a buddys bike....drag racing my bro on another buddys bike, which was a badass 250r...pulls like a freight train!! get the idea....
if stock shees with tweaked subframes are selling on here for $2800 then sign me up.. i've got 2 like that i'll sell and 2 or 3 more i'll sell that don't have tweaked subframes..

rockstar you were being a dick though.. and rockstar for teh record youir right my shee is faster and prettier than yours!!!
screw you guys and your banshee's

me and my buddy were just talkin about them earlyer.. spring time i need to get a banshee, lt250r or trx250r... nothing else will do!!! trikes for ice quads for summer riding
if stock shees with tweaked subframes are selling on here for $2800 then sign me up.. i've got 2 like that i'll sell and 2 or 3 more i'll sell that don't have tweaked subframes..

rockstar you were being a dick though.. and rockstar for teh record youir right my shee is faster and prettier than yours!!!
now you chime in!!!! thanks a lot!! ok so i was being a dick...but you dont say mint or perfect with out it actually being. thats my point!!!!
come buyone of my shees 4cfed.. better yet come get a shee and this tri-z.. i ahve WAAAYYYY to many toys i wanna down size in a big way... that way i can finsh the hosue remodel and can start working on my 69 elcamino SS396
come buyone of my shees 4cfed.. better yet come get a shee and this tri-z.. i ahve WAAAYYYY to many toys i wanna down size in a big way... that way i can finsh the hosue remodel and can start working on my 69 elcamino SS396

beleve me man if i had the loot id bring home a shee and a tri z...... take my son in trade? hes tough.. chicks dig him.. and he is handy in the garage lol!! j/k
now you chime in!!!! thanks a lot!! ok so i was being a dick...but you dont say mint or perfect with out it actually being. thats my point!!!!
i don't have time to split hairs on stupid sh*t on the internet these days.. this house isn't gonna finish itself.. and yeah you were being a dick.. classifes threads are not discussion threads.. that has always bothered the sh*t outta me... was that banshee what it was stated to be... NOPE.. but it wasn't your place to call him out on it either.. or maybe you could have been a bit more tactful.. maybe by saying where are the powervavles located on such a machine? and "do you have that thing sitting on level ground the subframe looks a bit odd to me" then you get your point acros and not look like a douchebag in the process..
beleve me man if i had the loot id bring home a shee and a tri z...... take my son in trade? hes tough.. chicks dig him.. and he is handy in the garage lol!! j/k
if you hd the loot i'd sell ya the super duty, the trailer, and every quad i've got other than my black banshee.. wanna make a deal?
good price, tweaked frame, cylinders on last bore, fmf pipes, rust all over, hole in radiator, worn out tires, bad ball joints, bad stator. broken plastics, hole in seat, bent bars...they are aftermarket!!! perfect. f-ing mint. 3k. sound good? sold?!?!?!? hahahah

not 370's style at all......
lol... im broke.. holidays suck!!!!! took a beatin on the last 2 weeks being 4 day weekends, i need a second job!!!, i wonder if i can con the wife into buying me another machine come tax returns since she gets to file for both kids
i don't have time to split hairs on stupid sh*t on the internet these days.. this house isn't gonna finish itself.. and yeah you were being a dick.. classifes threads are not discussion threads.. that has always bothered the sh*t outta me... was that banshee what it was stated to be... NOPE.. but it wasn't your place to call him out on it either.. or maybe you could have been a bit more tactful.. maybe by saying where are the powervavles located on such a machine? and "do you have that thing sitting on level ground the subframe looks a bit odd to me" then you get your point acros and not look like a douchebag in the process..
fine, point made....drop it.