And yeah what actually broke? It could be something easy maybe not but now is the time to look into things and learn a little.. like stated above a blaster is a pretty simple machine, get some knowledge on what you have already instead of jumping to something else and fixing someone else's problems.. start with the basics, you have allot of good knowledgeable people on here willing to help and imo when and if you do fix this problem its very satisfying. Just one more thing.. blaster are and can be a very quick little nimble machine, and there nothing like beating a 400s or 350s or even some 600s in the trails with Little 200. Just remember a 600 is a pretty decent jump from a200 , there's allot more weight there to try n toss around. I'm just saying that maybe give the blasty a good look over n see if it isn't a cheap and simple fix and learn something on the way, because if something happens to a four stroke there's allot more time and $ and knowledge to be invested than on the blaster.. now see when i got a blaster i had no idea about two strokes other than mixing my gas. I knew allot about 4 strokes there like a car. But i do know four strokes r much heavier and more expensive to fix when broken. I'm glad i got into two strokes and involved in this forum i learn something every day... that's what this site is for, shoot out some of the issues you are having and and these guys would be glad to help..