first timer for a rebuild

Idk thats the way I found it and it works fine I mean I was doing doughnuts and it didn't stall or any thing.

Slosh baffle is a## upward, doing donuts usually pushes all the gas up to one side of the bowl, therefore the baffle has no effect.

But put it into whoops and wild to and fro cornering, and the baffle needs to be fitted the right way up, otherwise fuel will slosh around and cause an unwanted lean condition.
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here it is all done before i put her away:(
Drain all the gas from the tank and carby and oil the chain well.

Stuff a block of something that a rodent will not chew up the hole in the muffler.

Gee that was a big pic, I nearly had to knock a wall out to get it in my room!:D:D:D