first timer for a rebuild


New Member
Jul 17, 2012
evat michigan/ madison wisconsin
Well I guess its day one of many to come. Going to start my rebulid on a 96 blaster. First time doing this so lets hope I get it right. The reason why I pick today as day one is I got my crankshaft in the mail today.I:I

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Idk yet I might just put the crank in and run it fo awhile like that. I mean its not warn out yet. Idk

You need to measure the piston also to determine your clearance, just from your measurements on the cyl it's starting to look a little sloppy.

BTW, I believe the "B" is a factory "sizeing mark, allowing for maching tolerances they would fit a "B" piston in it.
Do a leak test and a plug chop when you get that beast running don't put them off and think they're unnessesary bad mistake