First race ever!!!

Well practice sucked! The first time I went out the track was so rough and muddy from bulldozer that I got stuck half the time. and on the second moto, I got cocky(well i orgionally wanted to hit that double in the first place and clear it) and tried to double a huge jump. The first time I made with np. But the kid in front of me crashed hard and got knocked out and went to hosiptal. then the second lap comes, and I tried it. Well let's just say I never knew my quad weighed so much. I mostly cleared it, I landed on the top flatish part, and in front of me was a huge hole. ( thats were he hit. But I dident know that until after I hit it) and my front right tire hit it and dug in, and as my suspension rebounded in the rear, it bucked me foward, and to the right, so im now going sideways in the air than I went over the handle bars to the right, and my quad flipped, Landed on me than kart wheeled rite in front of me. Than it started to tip on to me. when i rolled out of it, kicked the bike back over so it dident land on me than laid there for a few seconds. Got up then pushed the bike to the side and as soon as I did that, I knew I Eaither broke something, broosed or did something really bad to my back. My shoulder blade and upper rite side of my back. Anyways. The track official came over and asked what I hit. I told him than after I get checked out by medics, I see them fixing it. Bastards! Lol Owell. SO the carnage? My tire poped off the rim, my sopose to be indestructable tusk bumper bent and hit the a arm, and my steering stem bent and so did my bars. Got it all fixed at the track. Or most of it at least. Besides bars and stem. Everyone in the stands and 2 officals couldn't believe I walked away From it. So I spent about 3-4 hrs trying to fix everything. And got back out there. hurting realllllly badly. Dident go half the speed as i did before. haha. So tonight I take an Advil, and tomorrow morning I take an Advil, hopefully finish the race, then head on down to the hospital. Sadly there is only gonna be 2 ppl in my class tomorrow. Owell. so im probs not going to be running schoolboy anymore.

Edit: i think i broke my rib again. its hard to breath with it hurting, and im almost 100% sure it boke. oweel we shall see tomorrow. hopefully i can atleast finish the race.
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DAMN!! that really sux dude, sorry to hear it, i know the feeling of sh*t like that, had mine roll me over a couple times, i have a scar on my right side that will always remind me how much it weighs!!
glad u came out of it and actually got back out there and finished practice, u got some balls kid, i dont think u will be riding in the race tomorrow because by the morning ur not going to be able to move let alone turn them bars. good luck if u do but from my experience the 2nd day is always more pain than the first.
relax and recover and start back when ur better
DAMN!! that really sux dude, sorry to hear it, i know the feeling of sh*t like that, had mine roll me over a couple times, i have a scar on my right side that will always remind me how much it weighs!!
glad u came out of it and actually got back out there and finished practice, u got some balls kid, i dont think u will be riding in the race tomorrow because by the morning ur not going to be able to move let alone turn them bars. good luck if u do but from my experience the 2nd day is always more pain than the first.
relax and recover and start back when ur better

haha thanks man! it sucks tho! im sitting on my couch rite now with an ice pack on for like 3 hrs now...... hurts. owell happends. im just glad my mom dident see. otherwise i would never be able to ride again. well hopefully i can make it tommorow. and at least i will place second! lol

That is sad lad, I admire your guts!

yea sucks. owell thanks man!
damn bro, sorry to hear you crashed, and glad nothing serious happened to ya !
not sure how i missed the practice vid, but looks pretty good !!!!

my experience with jumping has tought me that hesitation results in coming up short, and that can get ya hurt.
if ya know you've been almost making that jump, and just a little more throttle will have you clearing it, give it even a little more than you think you need, landing hard on the down slope or even the flat isn't as bad as "casing it" when you come up short

kudos again for doing as good as you have been, get well soon, don't let a little crash get into your head and make you even more hesitant, get right back at that same jump when you get well enuf
damn bro, sorry to hear you crashed, and glad nothing serious happened to ya !not sure how i missed the practice vid, but looks pretty good !!!!

my experience with jumping has tought me that hesitation results in coming up short, and that can get ya hurt.
if ya know you've been almost making that jump, and just a little more throttle will have you clearing it, give it even a little more than you think you need, landing hard on the down slope or even the flat isn't as bad as "casing it" when you come up short

kudos again for doing as good as you have been, get well soon, don't let a little crash get into your head and make you even more hesitant, get right back at that same jump when you get well enuf

well i dont know about that yet. it hurts like hell. after race tomorrow, im heading to hosiptal. and well ive never seen that jump doubled before, so it was also dumb trying it. as i was heading up to it, i got about 20ft, and im like sh*t, im not going fast enough! so i slamed on the gas, and there was something wrong with it. not warm enough, or it was just running way to rich in the morning, and i dident get up to speed fast enough, and then that happend.

heres the vid
its the last one "view my video" its where u see the offical running towards me. i dident get anything else on film. im not gonna bother pisting vids. nothing special. so im racing tomorrow, and probs not going to be in school monday. or tuesday. idk yet. but it happends. note to self, DONT HESITATE! and gas it!
read about the crash bro. Glad you didnt have something much worse happen. Get well soon and get back to Riding ;).

(p.s. I would be glad if my mom didnt see it too. She would freak out LOL
So did you get your ribs checked out? Everything good?

No man. I have to finish what I started. I'm going tomorrow to get xrays so we shall see

Damn man! Sounds like a nasty fall! Sounds like you came out mostly all right though

Yea it fricken kills! I couldn't sleep, let alone breath

read about the crash bro. Glad you didnt have something much worse happen. Get well soon and get back to Riding ;).

(p.s. I would be glad if my mom didnt see it too. She would freak out LOL

Thanks man!
Well with not being able to sleep, or breath, or move my arms at all, I managed to hit all the doubles dident crash (almost did tho. I was gonna bail, but as soon as I hit I knew I had it) and had an awesome time. Overall I took 3rd. So thanks for everyone on the forum for making this as successful as it went! With our all the help on here or all the movitation, this day would have never happened. So thank you guys so much! So tomorrow, I'm off to the dr's to get X-rays. Blaaa
Well with not being able to sleep, or breath, or move my arms at all, I managed to hit all the doubles dident crash (almost did tho. I was gonna bail, but as soon as I hit I knew I had it) and had an awesome time. Overall I took 3rd. So thanks for everyone on the forum for making this as successful as it went! With our all the help on here or all the movitation, this day would have never happened. So thank you guys so much!

i call it winning, because most people would have quit!B)