finally got a torque wrench


May 24, 2010
so how do i use it ? lol i have a good idea how to set it, will it click when im at the torque i set? its a 3/8" clarke cost 14.99 i know for the price it prolly aint great but i only want to do my clutch with it lol (i know ill use it for alot of other stuff)
The handle should have a screw in or out adjusting mechanism with numbers that show through a window.
They will be in foot pounds, inch pounds, or newton meters.
You match the number on the wrench with the recommended torque setting in the book, tighten it until it clicks and thats it.
You may have to convert some ratings when they are taking in a different standard ie inch pounds to newton meters but thats no big deal.
Also sometimes things like a cylinder head will call for 'step torquing'.
All that means is you have to tighten all the bolts down partially then add more torque to the wrench and tighten them all down again
and so on until you reach the full recommended torque rating.
Sounds complicated but it's really not.
A torque wrench is an investment everyone should have especially if you work on the motor yourself.
paulie is right. if you do your own work then it's great investment. i have been putting off getting one for the longest. might as well ante up i guess.
thanks guys i learned how to use it! the only problem i noticed is there is no lb there is kps and inch pounds! so how do i convert inch pound tos ft/lb?
so i wanna torque a bolt to 7.2 lbs ( 84 or 86 ft/lb cant remember) and the lowest is 120 ???
thanks gibson! rep (cough lol ) so this wrench aint any good for me? i cant return it either as my parents got it in england as a present for me!"
you are torque the clutch springs down?
i have never used a torque wrench for those. just a small drive and tighten till it is stiff.