Favorite quotes

For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

An Object in motion tends to stay in motion, until that object is met by a force with greater mass and indirect motion.

To contemplate something too long is to obsess the unimportant fact. To react swiftly, simply yet intelligently is the beginning of resolution

And to JonS, they might be quoting Ricky Bobby, but your acknowledging it. 8-| Just poking fun man, I freaking hate Will Ferry.
Originally Posted by Blaaster View Post
"If it aint in the Clymers, it must to be wrong!"

I made that one up inspired by a member here, thanks EZrider76.

That one is going to sting. Lol.

**Sigh** I will add, a Clymers in the hand of someone without wrench experience is like Excalibur in the hands of a florist.