pitboss45 is working for factory7(spastick designe,projectblaster)the seller of the pipe, so he is the guys thats can help you pm him he will tell you evrething you need to know!!how will u know if its teh needle and not the main jet that needs to be ajusted?
let my tell ya i got my f7 pipe for a long time when it was still called (projectblaster) and i just love it, i try like 5or 6 diff kind of pipe before having my f7, and now let me tell ya i i just love thats pipe!!! most power of tnem all left bend pipe and the sound is just incredible sounds like a piped yz125!!!
what other pipes have you used?
wat about their new non ajustable one?
nop, but i try lrd on my shee,and did not like it , they have great power but they are adjustable!!!!