extra large sig pics, WTF ??????

heres one for drifz1, his current one is the biggest sig pic in the history of forums, this is the first i've seen the front half of his very nice blaster, hahahaaaaa

thanks man , old blaster btw lol
Have to agree, some of the pics are just MASSIVE. Really sucks on my phone too. Not a big deal on the laptop but when I am on my phone and someone posts several time in the same thread with the huge pics it just kills it.
Not to be an ass but for those on slower connections there is an option in the user cp to not show signatures. I also surf a lot On my iPod touch and haven't really had any problems with sig pics being to big on here or some of the other sites I'm on
good lookin out guys, that'll make this much easier for everyone to enjoy this place !!!!!!!!
I agree i live far in the sticks and only have dial up its sucks a$$.One good thing is theres lots of places to ride.