Extended swingers.


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
I was just curious as to what would be best to get, either a +4 or a +6. Their both the exact same price and their both brand new. What would be the pros and cons of each?
I think even +4 is overkill....

I have a +3 and it will not wheelie unless I want it to. even with my fully built engine
Well I do a lot of tree shots in the Oregon dunes, and I don't want my front end to come up and flip me backwards.. That's why I'm asking either I should go with the +4 or +6?
i was thinking in streching mine too but all i do is trail riding i was thinking maybe 2 or 3 wich should be better for trail riding and i do like to pull weelies some thimes..lol
dude, i wouldnt use yb swingers...think about when you want to sell your blaster and the guy comes and he is like alright show me your mods...and then he sees some f**cking getto ass welded/stretch swinger and he is like wtf.....if you going to stretch a stock one use it for personal use and dont sell your blaster with it on

dude, i wouldnt use yb swingers...think about when you want to sell your blaster and the guy comes and he is like alright show me your mods...and then he sees some f**cking getto ass welded/stretch swinger and he is like WTF.....if you going to stretch a stock one use it for personal use and dont sell your blaster with it on

damn dems is some fightin words lol jk.
Yeah right now i have the vitos 240 kit, timing mod, k&n pod, vitos fat bastard, and a bunch of other small things.. I also ride trails a lot too so thats why I started this thread, I do a sh*t load of tree shots ALL the time, and I ALWAYS ride trails in the dunes, and yes, i am a duner, and thats the only thing i ride in :)
ya i have seen your swingers.....there SOOOO amazing, just like when i wipe my ass it comes up clean the first time....now that amazing

why do you have to bash people? this guy is trying to get some help and advice for extending his swing arm and you come on and start trash talking and bashing other people. in my opinion you should either help the guy out or shut the hell up.

I personally would extend it 4 if you ride trails quite a bit also. i think a +6 in trails would be a pain.
why do you have to bash people? this guy is trying to get some help and advice for extending his swing arm and you come on and start trash talking and bashing other people. in my opinion you should either help the guy out or shut the hell up.

I personally would extend it 4 if you ride trails quite a bit also. i think a +6 in trails would be a pain.
