Engine locked up and rear tires skidded, not locked up anymore

Sams garage

New Member
Dec 21, 2024
Ok so I was going down a road in 2nd gear holding at about 40-30% throttle
(I know I am not supposed to hold the throttle but my hands were full and I was focusing on not dropping everything)
and after I would say about 1/8 of a mile my engine locked up and my tires skidded but I pulled my clutch in as soon as I can so everything was ok, I tried starting the engine but it won’t start at all, has spark, has fuel, has compression (did top end rebuild less than a week ago and motor is freshly broken in) I was ripping it just the day before so I don’t understand why it won’t start
When I turn the flywheel over the piston also turns over so the key isn’t sheared, have new stator and ignition coil along with some other electronics also for spark because I assume it might not be a strong enough spark, but I still don’t understand I was just riding it just fine the day before

It was a lot of words so pretty soon I will put a video of what happened if you would rather watch that instead