Different Clicks

im in the prepy,football/cheerleading,and redneck clan. well everyone at school is rednecks. i guess i call myself prepy since all i wear is hollister,aeropostale,and american eagle.
lol....murse....i hang with this really big buff guy on the swim team ....no one touches me LOL the guy is TANK
i hang out with the dumbass group lol we are all riders. im the smartest one of us probably gonna be the only one to go to college.
same here in glasgow. ive got my real close friends then ive got people that im friendly with. there all from different places so everyone one all fights with each other... hell slashings dont shock anyone where i am anymore. like on friday i was at a rave and i met a guy who used to play on my soccer team literally 2 seconds after finishing my sentence his friend tried to fight with me before my cuz who i was with knocked one out :D haha they thought i was alone and wouldnt be able to defend myself,pussies.
do you have a murse to match your prep close ( murse is man purse)

lol just messing with ya

hahaha man, i about spit my cofee all over the screen laughing when i read that. I:I I:I

and we dont take kindly to people starting sh*t around here so if you show up ya better stay cool or you're outta here wether u like it or not. lmao
im pretty cool with everyone...but i have my choice of clique's...football/cheerleaders are whom im with about 95% of the time...figure i spend about half my life with all of'em anyways...but every now and then ill go kick it with other types...just depends what kinda mood im in...

i made a new friend today...looks/acts just like silent bob from clerks 2...except he talks, and isnt a mute...