Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

I'm hope by spring I can get new plastics. Inwant them yfz looking ones that maier has.I'm going to get a wrap done on them.There's a company just down the road that does it.They have a dodge ram done in black diamond plate. Looks bad ass with it.
Maybe getting my used right bend pipe this weekend. I have to go and help him work on his Blaster.His piston rod went out on him yesterday.at least it went out now,not two weeks ago when he was at Busco.
looking good so far... congratz...

i have a doubt, i saw ur air intake mod and ur sign says u got 30mm carb... did u have to mod ur intake, gas intake for that carb or 30mm carb still fits into stock intake?

thx and keep posting pics!!! more pics!!
nice man, that paint is a really flat back, which is ok if u want, i really like the VHT semi gloss engine paint, it is a really nice black without the chincy look to it

The stuff he's using is a nice gloss black.it's not exact stuff in the link.it's from VHT but comes in a quart can for a spay run from what I understand.All I know is he said it would look real nice and hold up better then anything else.it's some kind of ceramic base stuff.
looking good so far... congratz...

i have a doubt, i saw ur air intake mod and ur sign says u got 30mm carb... did u have to mod ur intake, gas intake for that carb or 30mm carb still fits into stock intake?

thx and keep posting pics!!! more pics!!

The carb fit into the reed boot as easy as stock.I needed to mod the air filter boot to fit.I've read some people heated it to fit but it didn't work for me.
C'mon, ya gotta pull the backing off, stick it down & pull off the transfer tape so it looks pretty! ... besides, on black plastic ya use the red outline with black letters, hows that for being bossy! ... Stickers arn't to save ... like building quads or sand castles ... ya make'm nice, enjoy a quick look at'em then watch'em get destroyed ... LOL ... burp ... good lookin quad!
Thanks!!!Im waiting on Otis to post some pics of that custom painted blaster when it back together.I feel in love with that paint job.
Throwing it down for Blasters and this forum.I Have no shame when it comes to throwing in a plug for Blasterforum.com on other forums.lol
Thanks.I kinda think its funny.it kinda makes me feel like the smartest kid on the short bus.lol.nothing against Blutraxx but there is many Blasters on here alot nicer then mine.
that appears to be a power pros pipe. what do i win?

lol looking great man thats a very nice addition to the build. NOW RIDE THAT THING!!!!!!! I:I I:I