Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

WOW!WHATS THAT??????????????????


a non finished blaster?
Happy holidays. Well,this is what's going on now. Getting one of Taters swing arms as soon as I get my Xmas money. I'm hopping to find some where that sells chain my the link. I have a Primary drive x ring chain that was used one day of ridding. I hope I don't have to but a whole new chain. Not sure what else I want to get at this time. I'll see what money I have after the swing arm. I know I have a set of Wally lights under the tree. I put my mig welder on CL for trade for some stock Yamaha aluminum rims and tires. I put under Barter but it got flagged both times I put it on. I need to hook up with some 20 " rear tires by spring. I don't think my little 18's are going to cut it at the AWK ride.
After the first of the year, I have alot of things to start on. Custom made silencer,custom air box,air scoops,skid plates and custom grab bar. Theses are all the things I'm going to try and make myself.
lookin sweet, cant wait to see that silencer, im thinkin about makin my own and use the core from my fmf

The silencer is going to be a little small around so I know it's going to be loud. It should look nice when I'm done. I'm not sure if I want to do it.1. Have the cap on the exit side with a curved down tip like the Toomy.2. Have the cap on the inlet with a strait tip. I have four of them filters to play with. I'm going to cut the bottoms off to use as the caps. I'm going to use an exhaust expander to stretch it just enuff for the cap to slide in and use three screws to hold it in.
it'll be interesting to see what you do with the silencer.

that looks like a power pros pipe, they have visible welds on them, you're going to like that pipe
a couple more pics would be good, the one on mine is supposed to be an f7/powerpros/trinity/ct and it has the visible welds, you can see them on bronco's bike too.

either way, you'll have to let us know how you like it
I'm happy about more power but the biggest thing is the sound. I love the right bend sound. Has that old school 2 stroke sound that I grow up hearing.
definitely, i do like the sound of mine better with this one than i did with the FMF head pipe. same silencer.

i like the power delivery too, comes in a little after my FMF did, and hangs on a ton longer
i'd love to do the same, but i'm gonna be buying tools/toolbox this fall for school which is going to hurt a lot lol.

can't wait to see the rest of the build and hopefully some vids of it rippin it up
I have to look into it but I would love to get the frame chromed and clear powder coated so it won't rust.

wont/cant/shouldnt happen.

First, you cant polish every knook and corner, so the chrome job will look like chit. Powdering over the top will only make it look like glossy chit.

You can however "bright zinc" the frame then clear powder over the top, maybe even throw in a light pinch of a colored pearl.

Ive done many atv projects using this process and they turn out bad azz.

when your ready just ask me, Ill steer you in the right direction and probably have pictures of examples too.

I have been building/rebuilding/restoring/customizing atv's for over 25 years. Painting, Powdercoating, Chroming, Polishing, Ceramic Coating, Vinyl Coating and Rubber Coating. Ive tried just about everything once.