sorry i'd rather get the potential ticket for knowingly breaking the law, then break another and potentially go to jail for felony evasion
Even if you dont get felony evasion, they just hit you with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, speeding, no insurance etc.... by the time you ay the fines, and your car insurance tripples, you could have easily bought a new 450.
Check the state laws, I am willing to bet if you search hard, you can probably be LEGAL going down the road/shoulder with a orange triangle on the back. just take it off when you hit the trail and put it on when you leave.
like I said they case me in the woods, dont care much for running on the road, you got to be on fast mofo to out run a radio.
I've heard that one a few times, you may have the fastest car in the world, but you're not faster than a radio.
gotta admit its true.