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who lives in a pineapple under the sea, spongebob squarepants , who's little and yellow and porous is he , spongebob squarepants , if nautical nonsense is something you wish , then jump on the deck and flop like a fish!!!!!!!!
Deere & Co. is under fire from two conservative policy groups in television advertisements running across the region this month -- ads that claim the company's participation in the U.S. Climate Action Partnership will eventually cost local jobs.

Meanwhile, a Deere official said company involvement in the partnership ensures having a voice in the debate over the evolution of environmental policy.

The partnership is lobbying for comprehensive climate and energy legislation, such as the national cap-and-trade bill.

The ads targeting Deere, which started today and were produced by the National Center for Public Policy Research and FreedomWorks, will run for two weeks in eastern Iowa and western Illinois on CNN, Fox News, Headline News and the History Channel.

Called "Backroom Deals," the ads urge Deere employees to call the company and express their opposition to any cap-and-trade legislation.

Tom Borelli, senior fellow for the National Center for Public Policy Research and director of the Free Enterprise Project, said the groups are questioning what the advantage is for Deere in supporting cap-and-trade legislation.

"It's almost a suicidal business strategy," said Borelli, who said the legislation will impact employment levels.

He said that a cap on carbon emissions will result in higher energy prices, slow economic growth and, eventually, job losses.

"Deere can just move the jobs overseas. That's why we're really trying to bring attention to the employees," he said.

Supporters of the legislation say it is a step toward addressing climate change, developing cleaner energy resources and creating incentives for companies to reduce carbon emissions.

Deere spokesman Ken Golden said the company's involvement in the partnership is a way to stay involved in the debate over environmental policy.

"The company believes, as do many others, that the U.S. must play a leading role in addressing sustainability," he said.

Golden clarified that Deere does not support any pending legislation, but has stated support for the partnership's "Blueprint for Legislative Action."

Borelli noted that the American Farm Bureau is opposed to cap-and-trade legislation.

And he stressed that Caterpillar, Deere's competitor, originally was a member of the partnership and then left it.

"They recognized it wasn't going to be good for their business. If your customers and your competitors don't like it, what's your secret plan?" Borelli asked.

Golden said the company is confident that Deere employees recognize the importance of remaining actively involved in the development of environmental policy.

"Deere regularly reviews the company's membership in various trade organizations to ensure each one is effectively serving John Deere's interests and the interests of stakeholders in John Deere's business such as customers, employees, investors and others," he said.

Borelli said the ads are running in cities where Deere has manufacturing facilities. He said there has been some response to the advertisement so far, in the form of phone calls and some discussion on Facebook.

"They are asking, 'Why would a major corporation push for legislation which their customers don't want,'" he said.

Borelli said that depending on feedback the group receives, it will launch another ad campaign when the current one is complete.

"We may keep hammering at Deere or move the campaign we're talking about to another corporation," he said.
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