cod4 vs. modern warfare 2


Aug 17, 2008
Knoxville, TN
So i was reading through the modern warfare 2 thread and it seemed like everyone is in love with mw2.
This is my opinion: as far as campaign goes, mw2 kicks cod4's ass. But i don't like the multipayer of mw2 as much as cod4. I hate almost everything about it. The maps are horrible and all the killstreaks are completely cheap. Maybe i'm just weird, but i like the simplicity of cod4 so much better.

Anyone else feel the same way?
Like to hear everyone's opinions.
they both feel very similar, but its also been a while since i've played COD4. But i like MW2 a lot better
i believe mw2 is soooo much better than 4...i can completely kill it with those new kill streaks...i use predator missile, harrier stirke and a chopper gunner. my kill death ratio is like 2.83 er something like that....way better than 4 or 5. i believe that this is the best cod yet. i havent even got to play the campaign yet. but thats me.
I like mw2 better online better. As for the singer player I only did two missions but it the two missions I did I thought it was a lot better then cod4.
i finished the campaign on both games, i like modern warfare 2 better.
but online i wish the levels were better, the killstreaks are ok, but they are a little cheap.
cod4 had way better maps, but lets just wait and see what they come up with, on there map pack.
oh ya,, whats the deal with across the map killing? the guns are a litttle TOO accurate. i mean you can seriously kill somone with a hand gun from across the entire map. and all the buildings for all the fags to camp in? i like just running around the map stackin the kills up but in this one its hard bc everone just sits in the buildings and if your in the streets or downlow, its a horrible thing
Mw2 has a load of campers and pretty much every gun is Automatic, enough said there. The multiplayer is really not that good and involves little skill. The only good thing I can say about it is the customized kill streaks and even with that the game is still sub par. Way to hyped for what it offers.
yeah the camping is bad. i went back and played cod4 the other day and it was so much fun. I could just run around the maps and shoot people and not have to worry about people on rooftops or sentry guns at the end of the street or some jackass in a chopper gunner raining down on everyone.
ive had to learn to just slowly walk thorugh everywhere, checking every possible hiding spot, windows rooftops...etc once you get used to the maps, you know where campers like hide, which makes it an easy kill...especially using that badass heartbeat sensor