blaster chic

HEY FROM PERTH - AUSTRALIA! I'm new n guess this is the best place to start > joined the forum to get tips n advice on making my blaster run n look mint. feel free 2 keep me posted. new rider to the ATV world, lovin it

Plan is 2 seriously outride the boys on the dunes! *LOL* :-D
I'm not sure what side your on but we have a dealer down under called "The Quad Squad". He is our largest dealer there and keeps a lot of blaster stuff in stock along with the complete line of Spastic clothing and graphics.

If you looking for other stuff PM me, we ship to Australia weekly.
the best bolt-on bang for your buck is a full pipe.
many people have their own faves.


they all make pipes for the blaster.

all you do is bolt it on and jet it correctly. and you will be amazed at the new power.

also, new rear tires would really help out a bunch.. but i know nothing about dune tires...
Welcome Blaster Chic, nice ride! Like Suprex said easiest and quickest power gain is a full exhaust system, go with Toomey B1. I just love my Toomey, get what you want theres tons out there.
welcome, like everybody said full exhaust+jeting. some quick and eazy mods are reeds,reed spacer, sprockets,air filter. the list can just keep going and going.
Get a good pipe first followed by some good porting. Maybe add a longer swingarm and you'll have the boys eatin roost

Welcome aboard!
thnx suprex - recently done the rear douglas rims n tires which has made a difference even in the sand n pipe was defintely the nx thing on the list. Bills or pro circuit were my choices but toomey seems 2 be a fav by the sounds of it from everyone here. cheers on all the tips guys - keep it comin.
probably gettin an oil block off kit asap .... wats the deal with that? can i do it myself????
you are welcome... and, yeah.. you can do it yourself. pretty easy..
plus... you will always have this forum to come to if something stumps you.

and yeah, most do like toomey... i have never owned one... just my fmf sst.. but i do like it...
there is a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) section on the forum that you may find helpful along the way! If not just ask! everyone on here is very suportive!
I've noticed, its pretty cool - i could rebuild a whole bike on my own thnx 2 this forum. luv it
welcome hope u enjoy whats the chances i could trade my blaster for a kangaroo let me know i want one that wears boxin gloves hit me up..

u can have my kitten, he thinks hes a kangaroo - damn psycho