cheap ebay spark plugs update

not cool...wasnt it a LIQUIDation sale....hahaha


agreed with Yb.. funny sh*t

LOOK FOLKS..I can't stress this enough.. If you dont have the right goods at the right price and cant be HONEST about it.. DONT POST..
because in all honesty..It takes more time and energy to do the wrong thing then to do the right..I dont and will never understand internet scams.. in the end.. we lose money and they lose credibility.. We dispute..they lose anyway and still look like fools,liars and con artist.

I would much rather lose a few bucks...then reputation.. rep is worth alot more.. well to me at least..
I act like a fool alot.. But when it comes down to it especially at work..i wont leave a cutt unless i know its right and the people walking under it are safe..that builds a hard earned product.. its called RESPECT.

PEOPLE like Liquid,e-bay rip off's and craigslist con artist's are going to get their's one day.. sadly it will be a larger consequence in fine's and humility.. they all have it coming.
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lol i have talked to the person and they refused to even send me one plug without me paying another 3 bucks for shipping, when the auction said 10pk with free shipping...neg feedback was left
Got a fake email from Paypal saying they had my money for the item I was selling.Just needed to send them a shipping #.I sent them the shipping # and then found out the email was fake.Got scamed on that ship it to Nigeria sh*t.I did get the item back just last week.I shipped it on11/06/09.It was marked return to sender.Im still out$48.25 for the shipping.
Got a fake email from Paypal saying they had my money for the item I was selling.Just needed to send them a shipping #.I sent them the shipping # and then found out the email was fake.Got scamed on that ship it to Nigeria sh*t.I did get the item back just last week.I shipped it on11/06/09.It was marked return to sender.Im still out$48.25 for the shipping.

always cheack to see if the money goes into ur paypal account first.and all the nigeria sh*t is a scam
i got an email saying. we thought it would be obvious that this auction is for one plug..
man i blew up on the guy.. havent gotten my $$ or an email back.. lol
guess ill have to open a claim.
i got an email saying. we thought it would be obvious that this auction is for one plug..
man i blew up on the guy.. havent gotten my $$ or an email back.. lol
guess ill have to open a claim.

oh man if some guy said something like that to me i'd tweak too. wonder what 370's sayin lol. couldnt be pleasent. he bought like 12 or something. guna be alot more anger there lol.
hes not happy. ordered 12 as in 12 cases. got 10 plugs from like 1983...has paulie b's blaster design on the boxes...yellow and black. not only did he not get 120 plugs..he got shorted on the 12 he put in the order...he will have to elaborate, there is more goin on...
last time i asked him about it he said he filed a dispute, and ebay said theyd get his money back, and he'd have to return the plugs. but he said thats not the point..the guy shorted him not just 120 plugs, and posted the auction way misleading....but he didnt even give him the order of 12 that he put in..its a mess....thats all i know, he can get more in detail....
well i got two plugs today.. im not going to complain or biotch.. the poor guy paid 5.15 just for shipping.. keep in mind i only paid 3.44 for them shipped. so hes taking a loss on the shipping as well as the cost of the plugs. his ad was just set up wrong and we all jumped on it like flies on sh*t. lol
well heres the deal on the plug from this f*cking jackass. so i bought 12 cases of plugs for $1.72 per case so that comes out to 120 plugs for $20.64. he sends me an email thta the listing might have been misleading but it clearly said it was for 1 plug. and i told him it's in his best interest to ship me teh 120 plugs that i bought.. i heard nothing for a week and a half and then 10 plugs that are as old as i am show up.. factory yamaha plugs in yellow and black boxes.. so OLD!! but plugs are plugs.. the problem is that i only recieved 10 so even if the listing was for 1 then i still got shorted.. so i file an ebay dispute with this jackass so he offers me a refund of $1.72 but i gotta send the 10 plugs back on my dime.. so i escalated it to a ebay investigation. and stated what he was doing. changed from a case to a plug.. then for a refund changes from a plug to a case again. ebay told me to wait til 1/1/10 and let them know so today is 1/9/10 and i refiled the ebay investigation.. and i've clearly stated i want the remaining 110 spark plugs. this is what this whole deal was about.. he listed them as a case so just this thing happens.. people thik they are buying a case and then he tells the buyer they misread.. well i saved the screen shots of the auction and it clearly says a CASE of plugs 10 count.. so... we'll see where it goes from here. but he wanted the case of 10 back for a refund of $1.72. the guy is a complete ahole..