Carburetor Cleaning and Rebuilding Service


Dec 1, 2009
Hamlet, NC
I recently had some interest expressed in wether or not I clean and rebuild carburetors. Since I do it day in and day out at work, I think its time to expand the service to Blasterforum members and guests.

Here's what I'm thinking:

$ 30.00 gets your stock Blaster carburetor cleaned, inspected, and rebuilt. THIS COVERS MY LABOR, ONE MAIN JET OF THE PROPER SIZE, AND CONSUMABLES ONLY. ADDITIONAL PARTS COST EXTRA. I can supply the carburetor kit (Shindy or Moose Racing) at additional cost, or you can send me one of your own with your carb.

If you have a Blaster carbuertor that needs to be rebuilt, you MUST send me a PM with the list of mods done to your engine. I will NOT send a carbuetor back to you with stock jets in it unless you are running a 100% stock Blaster. I will jet it a little rich, and leave the final tuning up to you.

I will install a TORS eliminator kit on your stock carbuetor, including the cap and cable, for $ 10.00 extra.

A basic carb cleaning and rebuild includes a full teardown, ultrasonic cleaning, blowing out of all passages, replacement of the main jet with the proper size for your application, installation of a rebuild kit, and reassembly. I clean carbs with hot water and Simple Green. It is non-flammable, easy to work with, and won't attack rubber or plastic parts inside the carbuetor. And the results speak for themselves:







Yes, this is the same carburetor. It came off a GY6 clone engine that had been sitting outside for years, with fuel in the tank. Did the engine run well afterwards? Oh yes! This carburetor was the one on the gokart that I took to Busco this year. :D

Anyhow, shoot me a PM if interested in any cleaning services.

I can also clean non-CV style 4-stroke carbs for the same price. $ 30.00 labor, plus parts.

CV-style 4-stroke quad and dirbike carb service will be $ 40.00 labor, plus any needed parts.

If you have another type of carb...lawnmower, weedeater, farm tractor, welder, etc, shoot me a PM and we'll talk. I do them, too! I rebuild weedeater carbuetors for a living and they are a cinch.
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this is as professional as it gets, for a good price to know it's done right !!!!

or come to any ride braaap attends and he'll do it while your not looking, just to see whats in there , LOL
Haha, just trying to take care of people. Been ripped off too many times myself in the past. Finally got fed up enough to just learn how to do it right on my own! :D
too bad i already did it to mine, i would happily have paid u to do it so i could have had more time on COD BO 2, errr i mean time with my wife...
Awesome member right here fellas! $10 for a TORS kit installed, well that is a no brainer! Good stuff bro! Rep to ya!