Carb help please


New Member
May 8, 2011
Just will not idle at all can anyone please help me my bro in law messed with my screws anyone know what I should set everything at aswell also can mixture be a problem I think it has too much oil mixed aswell thing runs great other then whats going on with idling/
My elevation-W-1860 ft

Engine mods what was done to it before I bought it.

vForce3 Reeds
Vito's 3mm Crank
Ported and Polished
New High Compression Piston
Pro Circuit 304 Factory Exhaust System
Bigger intake manifold
Keihin 33mm Carburetor
Engine was bored up--40 over???
there is an idle adjustment screw and an air screw. if idle adjust wont do it your prob rich try backing out air screw. should be around 1.5-2.5 turns out as needed to get it to run right. did it idle right before he messed with it? how does it run? maybe you need to go down on pilot jet?? what size pilot is in it? clean air filter?
It did idle before he messed with it I hate when someone messes with other pples sh*t and it runs awesome rode it all day today climbed all the normal hills and all just will not idle right me and a friend tried messing with that screw all day and did not get anywhere we even cleaned out the carb it was clean inside though like eat off clean haha.
there are two screws... one is idle adjustment and other is air screw. the lower one is the air screw and above that is idle. should be able to tighten the idle in until it idles.
Would not work at all turned it to the right til it was almost tight didn't wanna go all way in then turned it in by quarter turns til it was almost all the way out think maybe it is either even the spark plug aswell I did put a new one in and also maybe too rich but I never foul plugs or anything either and my machine kicks in 1 kick.